Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fish Fry and Mountain View

Wed. and Thur We built this banister and finished our projects. Bobby and I drove to Kenneth Mo. to pick up bedroom set and  the girls planted some flowers.  We went to a Brick Oven pizza place for dinner. Fri. We had a relaxing day at 4 P.M. we met and cut up the fish for Sat. (picture below)

Sat. was the big day.  They had more folks there than they have the past few years.  They had a 1 1/2  hour program(picture on left). We started cooking the catfish, chicken, hush puppies, and french fries around 9:30 and was done little past 11:00.  Picture below James and Brad put the cornmeal and salt on the fish and I arranged them in the baskets. After that we ate we went to all the houses for dessert and a visit with the house parents and kids.  Later that night the 8 people left played hand and foot (the guys won).

Sun. After church we went out to Dixie and had dinner then back to church that night.  We went to James and Jean trailer and played cards.  Mon. the girls went to the office to count money that people donated and the guys helped clean and put all the coking things away. One of the house parents had us for hamburgers.  The guys went home and got the rigs ready and the girls counted money till four.  We then left for Mountain View Ar. We got here around 7 set up then went up town to listen to the folk players.

Tues. we left for the senior center.  They had the folks playing for about an hour before we had lunch. (quite a deal for three dollars) Below is Odell who came to the park where we are staying and gave us a private show, then some of the folks who are staying here joined in (2 pictures below). We went out to dinner at Pizza place and had their buffet at senior discount. We then drove downtown and listened to Odell and others play and sing.

Wed. After our lunch at the senior center we took a ride in the area around town.  Here we are at a fast moving river. Below is a old church with an old piano in the corner.
     This is the county road that we drove on.  The pictures don't show it but the road got very narrow!
We stopped by a solid rock this is the end if Linda only knew how the rock was over nothing she would not have went out there!!. (see picture below)

                        We drove to Calico Rock Ar. and enjoyed Ice cream and the old town.
              Again we went downtown and enjoyed the music. Below is the picking shed at our park.

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