Wednesday, October 9, 2013

2nd Week in Mountain View Ar.

 We took a drive in the mountains almost every day. We stopped by Ozark Folk Center for a buffet breakfast. As we ate we watched a squirrel eat the corn at the end of the stick. As he got the corn the stick went around and around and he hung on even upside down. Then we stopped by the where they make dulcimer. they had one made for hillbillies. Also there they had a old wagon and house.

This is the court house in Mountain view.  This is where all the music started in the 60's and 70,s. Below we are eating at one of the many restaurants.

                                                            Here are two of the base players.

 Here is the square at night.  There were six groups playing here and three around the corner.
                              We stopped by James and Jean friend on our way to the mountains.

Sunday night after church we went to Jimmy Driftwood Barn and was entertained by many artist.  The kids clogged and played. Above picture both of the girls played the violin and below she keeps the beat with the band.
 Our last day Mon. we drove around shopped downtown.  Played some cards and listen to the pickers at our picken shed.
 On Tues. we left for Marshall Tx. As you can see from the picture below it was foggy. We drove with Bill and Lynn got here setup and went to dinner with Charles and Janis Harrdison. We played cards and the girls won with out counting the last hand.

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