Thursday, October 31, 2013

Marshall Tx. our third week

Thur. we had a half day then the sojourn hug. We have enjoyed the meeting this year they had alot of good speakers. We played cards Thur, Fri; and Sat. nights.  Got the car and rig washed on Thur and Fri. Sat we drove to Longview ate at Panera's. Sunday after church we went to Golden Coral for lunch.  Sunday night after we got home Linda started to get sick.  Mon. and Tues we started our sojourn here at Camp Bee.  Linda worked in the office and I and four other guys dug up two large tree stumps.  We got one out but the other one is giving us a fit. Tues. we got frustrated and started on the poll barn addition. We played cards both nights. Wed it rained all day we did not get any work done.  Linda was not feeling well stayed home from church.  We have enjoyed her home made soups.

Wed. and Thur. we worked on getting the phone working after our first one had problems.  Linda still is sick (she lost her voice) and I have a bad headache.  We rested in bed most of today both getting better.

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