Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Marshall Tx. second week

Below two pictures Linda was modeling one of the fruit of the spirits (joy) during talent night.
 We went to Fairview on Friday to get some parts for the rig.  The ring in the toilet stopped working and the handle on the screen door broke.  After eating at a Mexican restaurant we drove to Jefferson here is the general store.

Below  is Tyler Tx. The first set of pictures is the parade.  It had over a 100 entries many school bands and floats. This was all part of the Texas Rose Festival since 1933.
When the parade was over we went to see the Roses and the Rose tea was taking place.
Below are  some of the girls in there gowns.
When we left there we went to where they were having the girls jump horse show.  We both enjoyed watching them.

On Sunday after church we went back to Jefferson to a taste of the town.  Here they charge you give you a plate and utensils stamped your hand and you went to where the restaurant were giving out food and they put samples on your plate. Below James and Jean are listening to one of the three places that had music. After church that night we played 14 a game like five crowns.  Jean was the big winner.

We had classes again at night we had a sing along on Monday night. Tues we had our banquet.  Linda and I helped cook and serve.  It was alot of fun and they had a quartet come and sing. (pictures below)

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