Thursday, March 6, 2014

Brighton's birthday and our last week in Fla.

Thur.  We came to Tam's, Linda got a special dinner for Brighton's birthday ready while I went and picked up the boys at their school.  We had a wonderful dinner and the kids open gifts from Shannon.  We signed and released balloons. We bought them a small round butterfly table for there new chairs on the porch.

Fri.went to a RV show in Deland drove to Orlando for lunch at Jason's Deli.  We met Hope at the ice rink and we went ice skating with her and her school mates.  When we got done we took her home so she could get ready for the Daddy Daughter Dance.  Kenn and Hope had a great time at Olive Garden and the dance. Tammy, Linda, and I took the boys to the open ceremonies for their baseball team. We spent the night.

Sat. Kenn and I went to the men's breakfast at their Church.  We left there to go to Hope's first archery meet. The guys left there for lunch then baseball practice before the game.  After the game we came back to Tam's to watch the kids while Kenn and Tam went to a  fund raiser for Hope's school. Then back to our own bed.

Sun. after church we meet Tam's family for their Lego club movie party.  They went swimming, had hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch then showed the Lego movie they made.  Brendan's group did a movie on the tsunami.   They did alot of research then made there movie.  Bryce's group did it on the tornado's we enjoyed both movies. After the party went to their church for a fish fry fund raiser for the Bible bowl.

Mon. we drove to Tall. Mary came over with Pizza and a salad.  We played cards and had a nice talk.

Tues. Was not one of my better days.  I put $86 worth of gas in the diesel. After alot of running around we got the truck towed and fixed then meet John and Mary at the new movie "SON OF GOD". All of us enjoyed the movie.  Wed We drove to Niceville Fla.  We went on two of the walk paths they have at Fred Cannon Rocky Bayou State Park.
 Linda on the bridge which use to be a lake that they put back to natural settings and now is a small stream of water.  Below is called deer moss.
              There were different oaks' palmetto, pine, and magnolia(see picture below) trees.

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