Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day -Alvarez -camping

Thur. We moved the rig to Clarksville then went to Shannon's for dinner and games on the x box.
Fri. Linda and Lilimarie went to Shannon's school and helped her pack her room. I went to the her. house where I greased and washed out bikes.  After lunch Al and I took the boys fishing.  Xander brought a friend and he and Diego caught a fish together.  Al had pulled pork that cooked in the crock pot all day.

Sat. We came to there house then went downtown to a farmers market. We all went to a park where some ran ad others walked 1 and 1/7 mile. Before we left the kids played at the playground. We watched a movie "I Frankenstein " then we went to Jazz on the lawn.  We listen to the music, danced, and talked to a lot of Shannon's friends
.Sun. After church Shannon family came over for lunch. We then went and picked strawberries. We brought the kids home and played games with them. We had dinner then strawberries and ice cream.

Mon. We went to Sha's for waffles with strawberries on them.  We came home and moved the rig to Mt Juliet Tn. Both families came over after the parents left we went swimming then Al and Shannon bought pizza. We watched "Blindside" then went to bed.
Tues. Lilimarie helped Linda make breakfast, the kids started to make out there stories, Linda had bags ready for the kids to make play dough and they made something to help tell there story, Jen came and got her girls that night  we watched another movie "Transformers" then bed.
Wed. After a late breakfast we went for a swim, the kids buried each other in the sand, we had left over pizza, Jim and Land Perkins came and are staying three spaces away, Jen and Chris brought the kids back, Don and Debbie Mynster came.  We celebrated Katie birthday and made smores.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

More Dr. appt-Shannon's Birthday

Thur. After breakfast we went to Linda's skin doctors appt.  She had one spot on her left cheek. We then went to look at cars that can be pulled by motor homes. Fri. We got up very early and went to Linda's physical.  She needed a bone density test and there was a opening.  Since she had not eaten she also did a blood test. We went and looked at some more cars then to Katie's 10th b-day party. She had six of her friends come. They played circus game and had cotton candy,popcorn, and Chris made churro's.
 Sat.We drove to Waverly to watch Shannon jump out of a plane. She got up in the plane but the clouds came and they could not jump(that is quite a b-day gift from Al).
Sun.Shannon had better weather and she was able to jump.  She said she had a wonderful experience. Al sent these to us for we were not able to be there.

 After church we did clothes and washed the truck it was in bad need there were more bugs then ever before. We went to Jen's for a farewell party for Yun his last final tomorrow and be going back to Korea at the end of the week. We had sloppy joes and played 9 hole golf.
 Mon. We drove to Lilimarie's 6th grade awards. We then took her out of school for the afternoon. We had pizza and played games with the kids. Before we left we went to Berry Bear(yogurt place).
Tues. Katie had her 4th grade ice cream party at noon then that night she had her chorus concert.

Wed. I had my heart doctor appt. He took me off two of my meds and the third he is giving me a very low dose.  After my appt. we had dinner at Jen's then took Mackenzie and Katie to the rig for the night.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gallatin Tn.- Mother's Day-Williams-Alvarez

Thur. We got up and moved to Cages Bend(core. of eng. park). We then drove to Starbucks  for there coffee special and for me to do some work on the computer. We met Carol at Jen's where Mackenzie and Carol were making mac-n-cheese and breakfast for dinner. We played some games then back to the rig.
Fri. We met Carol at Panera's then  I had my Dr. appointment. We had Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner while Jen & Chris went out for there 16 anniversary.We played games and started to watch a movie.
Sat.We got  up early to go to Mackenzie softball game. We were there all day and it was good time for the new team to bond and try again their next week-end tournament. We started to make game for Katie b-day 
Sun. We got up and Linda was sick from the pollen the day before.  I went to church and she rested.  She started to feel better so we went so Shannon's for lunch.  We played games and watched Xander ride his bike and Diego showed us how he b-box at his talent show at school. We had a wonderful salmon dinner for Mother's day and on the way home meet Jen at Starbucks.
Mon.  We got up early and went to the doctors to get a cancer spot taken off my face. They got it on the first try and we got home to do work at the rig we were behind on.
Tues. It rained all day.  We went to Jen's to help some more with Katie b-day games for her party.
 We went to Jen's then to Katie 4th grade music program where she did a solo on the recorder. The program was Jazz from the past.

 Wed. After waiting all morning the guys came and fixed the awning. We then went to Jens then to there church for Mackenzie promoting to the High School Youth group.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Chattanooga Tn. Asheville and Waynesville N.C. Hendersonville Tn.

Thur. Was a leisure day we did go to Camping World and look at some more motor homes.  Did not find one to buy we will keep looking. Last night and this morning we saw 6 or 7 deer out side our window.
Fri. we got up and drove to Asheville N.C  and  went straight to the French Broad Chocolate. We ordered the chocolate caramel salted hot truffle and a peanut butter chocolate truffle.  It was worth the extra 54 miles we drove to have it.
We meet Dad at  the house Heather and Al rented for the wedding.  They had rehearsal dinner and invited the family members to come to the rehearsal dinner (salad and lasagna). Picture below is the dinner except top right three is downtown that Dad, Linda and I visited on Sat. morning.
Picture below is some of the wedding pictures on Sat. Bottom right we felt Sandy's presence as one of the last things Sandy and Heather did was go horse back ridding in the mountains

 Mon. we drove to Old Stone Fort State Park which was not a fort but an old Indian grounds.  Below we went on the 1 1/4 mile walk. Bottom left we drove threw this narrow bridge with the rig and you know we have to leave the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There were many types of wild life at the museum the ranger showed us these teeth that were found in the area.
Tues. We had our coffee and breakfast by the fire which we had Mon. night and this morning(pictures below).

  After breakfast we drove to Gallatin Tn. We are at  Bledsoe Creek State Park.  This afternoon the service guys came by to look at our awning and found the motor bad He is going to order us a new one.Linda said this is how rednecks park!
 Wed.  This park has many walk paths we walked over a mile this morning and this is one of the many sights we saw seven turtles sunning themselves. we also saw 5 deer put they were to far away to take a picture of.
We went to Jen's watched the kids swim, had dinner and Katie showed us her Tae Kwon Do moves. As you can see see just moved up with the yellow strip around the end of her belt.  She and Chris are taking classes together.