Thursday, May 22, 2014

More Dr. appt-Shannon's Birthday

Thur. After breakfast we went to Linda's skin doctors appt.  She had one spot on her left cheek. We then went to look at cars that can be pulled by motor homes. Fri. We got up very early and went to Linda's physical.  She needed a bone density test and there was a opening.  Since she had not eaten she also did a blood test. We went and looked at some more cars then to Katie's 10th b-day party. She had six of her friends come. They played circus game and had cotton candy,popcorn, and Chris made churro's.
 Sat.We drove to Waverly to watch Shannon jump out of a plane. She got up in the plane but the clouds came and they could not jump(that is quite a b-day gift from Al).
Sun.Shannon had better weather and she was able to jump.  She said she had a wonderful experience. Al sent these to us for we were not able to be there.

 After church we did clothes and washed the truck it was in bad need there were more bugs then ever before. We went to Jen's for a farewell party for Yun his last final tomorrow and be going back to Korea at the end of the week. We had sloppy joes and played 9 hole golf.
 Mon. We drove to Lilimarie's 6th grade awards. We then took her out of school for the afternoon. We had pizza and played games with the kids. Before we left we went to Berry Bear(yogurt place).
Tues. Katie had her 4th grade ice cream party at noon then that night she had her chorus concert.

Wed. I had my heart doctor appt. He took me off two of my meds and the third he is giving me a very low dose.  After my appt. we had dinner at Jen's then took Mackenzie and Katie to the rig for the night.

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