Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gallatin Tn.- Mother's Day-Williams-Alvarez

Thur. We got up and moved to Cages Bend(core. of eng. park). We then drove to Starbucks  for there coffee special and for me to do some work on the computer. We met Carol at Jen's where Mackenzie and Carol were making mac-n-cheese and breakfast for dinner. We played some games then back to the rig.
Fri. We met Carol at Panera's then  I had my Dr. appointment. We had Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner while Jen & Chris went out for there 16 anniversary.We played games and started to watch a movie.
Sat.We got  up early to go to Mackenzie softball game. We were there all day and it was good time for the new team to bond and try again their next week-end tournament. We started to make game for Katie b-day 
Sun. We got up and Linda was sick from the pollen the day before.  I went to church and she rested.  She started to feel better so we went so Shannon's for lunch.  We played games and watched Xander ride his bike and Diego showed us how he b-box at his talent show at school. We had a wonderful salmon dinner for Mother's day and on the way home meet Jen at Starbucks.
Mon.  We got up early and went to the doctors to get a cancer spot taken off my face. They got it on the first try and we got home to do work at the rig we were behind on.
Tues. It rained all day.  We went to Jen's to help some more with Katie b-day games for her party.
 We went to Jen's then to Katie 4th grade music program where she did a solo on the recorder. The program was Jazz from the past.

 Wed. After waiting all morning the guys came and fixed the awning. We then went to Jens then to there church for Mackenzie promoting to the High School Youth group.

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