Friday, May 30, 2014

Memorial Day -Alvarez -camping

Thur. We moved the rig to Clarksville then went to Shannon's for dinner and games on the x box.
Fri. Linda and Lilimarie went to Shannon's school and helped her pack her room. I went to the her. house where I greased and washed out bikes.  After lunch Al and I took the boys fishing.  Xander brought a friend and he and Diego caught a fish together.  Al had pulled pork that cooked in the crock pot all day.

Sat. We came to there house then went downtown to a farmers market. We all went to a park where some ran ad others walked 1 and 1/7 mile. Before we left the kids played at the playground. We watched a movie "I Frankenstein " then we went to Jazz on the lawn.  We listen to the music, danced, and talked to a lot of Shannon's friends
.Sun. After church Shannon family came over for lunch. We then went and picked strawberries. We brought the kids home and played games with them. We had dinner then strawberries and ice cream.

Mon. We went to Sha's for waffles with strawberries on them.  We came home and moved the rig to Mt Juliet Tn. Both families came over after the parents left we went swimming then Al and Shannon bought pizza. We watched "Blindside" then went to bed.
Tues. Lilimarie helped Linda make breakfast, the kids started to make out there stories, Linda had bags ready for the kids to make play dough and they made something to help tell there story, Jen came and got her girls that night  we watched another movie "Transformers" then bed.
Wed. After a late breakfast we went for a swim, the kids buried each other in the sand, we had left over pizza, Jim and Land Perkins came and are staying three spaces away, Jen and Chris brought the kids back, Don and Debbie Mynster came.  We celebrated Katie birthday and made smores.

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