Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jamestown Ky

Wed. We went back to the visitors center to see how you open up in the morning.  Linda learnt the register, some of the lights and fed the skunk.  I helped Dan feed the turtles, frogs, crickets, and fish.  We went over to the hatchery and got bass 3 to 6 inches long and put them into the three large fish tanks. We thought we were going to be there a half day and we stayed till closing. We then ate and went to church in Jamestown.

Thur. we drove to Jamestown and Linda had a 1 1/2 hour massage.  We then went to town square to see the sights.  From there we drove in Amish country (middle left Picture).  On our way to Liberty Ky. we ate at Bread of Life Cafe.  It was started by a couple behind there gift shop they had to make money for the children home they started.  The restaurant grew and grew till they have the big restaurant with a gift shop. The bottom left picture is one of the many articles on the walls. After our buffet lunch we drove into Liberty where Ky. agreed to break away from Tn. The 2nd and 3rd picture in the bottom three rows are pictures of the old schoolhouse, jail, first post office, Grayson's Tavern and Ephraim McDowell House (father of modern surgery). From there we drove to Perryville Battlefield (the bloodiest civil war battle in Ky). The top row of pictures are the battlefield and first Flag of the Confederacy.
Fri. we did laundry with the machines they have for us to use. We did odds and ends around the rig.  Late in the afternoon we went up to the visitors center and closed so that the volunteers could leave early to go to their home in Ohio.

Sat. we got up to 34 degree weather, ate, and went to the center for a day of work. As we worked today we held one of the snakes and helped bath the skunk.  We did the tanks and found that they are not leaking so I put all the stuff back into the rig.
Sun. We woke up to 28 degree weather.  Bottom Rt. is ice on the truck and bottom left is a leaf with frost on it. The top left is the frost on the roof. Top rt. frost on the cob web. After a day at the center we went to church for the start of their revival. The speaker  was good.
Mon. Today we had many firsts, I bathed Squirt and Linda dried him.  The snake went into Moria's hair and Linda had to help get it out. Bottom right I was feeding the snapping turtle.  Don't let any one tell you that turtles are slow when he saw the worm he stretched out the neck about four inches and quickly.

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