Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bryce B-day Party

Fri. We went shopping and got a new apple computer.  We had them transfer the files from the  old one to the new one.  We pick up the computers on Mon. so I am back tracking.
Sat. We got to Tam's early and Linda went with the girls to Hope's parade and I went with the boys to Brendan's and Bryce's cross country.  They bot did well and it was a longer race for Brendan one mile instead of 1/2 mile.  We left there and went straight to Bryce's basketball game.  After the game we all met at Tam's.  We had lunch then to the boys boyscout parade.
 Sun. after church and lunch we went to Bryc's  baseball birthday party.  We had a good time playing baseball and other sports. We went out to Jason's Deli for dinner.
Mon. We picked up our new computer and went to Tam's and made lunch.  Bryce was home with Hope because he was not feeling well.
Tues. We went to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned (we both needed it). Then we went to the Tam's ate, then helped the kids make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. They all did a great job then ate some of it.
Wed. We went to the apple store and had lessons on our new computer.  1 1/2 hour group lesson and 1/2 hour which was a hour individual lesson.  We drove to dad's for a few days.

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