Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Shelves for dad. time with the Niebruggies

Thur. We got up and made cowboy coffee cake and coffee.  We enjoyed the sun rise then we started  putting the shelves together.  We got them at Ikea and went together so easily.  Linda and Dad did a great job putting the books and figurines up.  Dad says it looks great and is so happy with it.
Fri.  We went to Skidders for breakfast.  Dad needed some things for the condo so we went to Home Depot.  when we got home we replaced the light in his closet, set some timers on his cabinets, we had 
Lunch and dinner then watched some Christmas movies.

Sat.  We went to Skidders for breakfast.  We took dad down to the club house for his condo building was having their Christmas party.  We had lunch did some cleaning then watched the Army Navy game.  Linda made dinner then we drove to the rig.

Sun.  We went to church came home lunch then I went to bed for I have been battling a cold for two days.  Linda did some visiting,  we had dinner, she went to church while I read the bible and rested.  Dad went and painted the" double happiness" and hung in in the top middle.  The picture was the final touch to complete the book shelf.
Mon.  We ate went to Starbucks then to Ford for oil, air, and fuel change.  We picked up our new glasses then to Tam's.  Hope had made a zucchini  treat for us and it was delicious.  Tam made a Mexican dinner for us, after she picked up the boys from cross country we ate and went to there Boy Scouts Raingutter Regatta.  Top left picture is the boats the boys made as you can see no two are alike.  There were four packs top right Brendan is racing his boat.  Bottom left Bryce is racing his boat and came in first in his pack and second over all. Bottom right  a man did a  bow whip demonstration.  He is in the Guinness record book and placeed first many time in the bow whip contest.
Wed.  It was catch up time.  We got the truck washed, laundry done and the rig cleaned.  went to church got home and bed.  Linda got the cold I just got over.  

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