Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving- Dad's move- Bryce birthday

Thur.  What a greatful day.  Before we went to Thanksgiving dinner at Skidders dad gave us our Christmas present (top left).  It brought tears to our eyes.  It is a 28 day cruise leaving Ft. Lauderdale going on the Northern Europe Passage then Scandinavia and Russia. We keep pinching ourselves thinking it's a dream.  We will be leaving in April on a cruise with him.  When we got to Skidders we found the Alvarez family waiting for us (top right).  After a filling dinner we came back to dad's. Al and I hung some things (middle pictures) for dad.  We watched Xander's school play (bottom left). When it was time for them to leave we took there family picture with dad.

Fri. To Skidders for breakfast then shopping for house hold items. Top left I'm getting the microwave ready, hung two plants, With two phone calls to Mike I did some electrical work, with dad helping (top right) Linda put the kitchen stuff away.  After a long day at working we went to Skidders for dinner where dad arranged (after 17 years going to the same restaurant he does have alot of pull) to have ribs (bottom  pictures) yum yum Linda and I could only eat half of them.
Sat.and Sun. On Sat. we were able to watch some of the college games (top left).  We left to go home and stopped by Ikea to look for a book case for dad.  We found just what were looking for. They also had a special where we could eat free and we did $42 worth of dinner.  We got three sections for dad and they were so big we drove back to his new place, put them in the house then drove to the rig. Sunday after church we went to Tam's, had left overs and played with the kids (top righ)t.  Linda and Hope made turkey pot pie.  Two dinners worth and we ate it in one. On the way home we looked at some Christmas lights (bottom two).
Mon. We stayed at home all day cleaning, washing the truck, and doing laundry.

Tues. we went to Mt Dora in the afternoon (see pictures below). We did some shopping on the way home.  The weather here is wonderful in the low 80's 
Wed. After a morning at home we went to church.  We drove to Tam's and picked up Bryce so he could spend the night.  We stopped at Wal-Mart for him to pick out what he wanted to eat while with us.  When we got to the rig he played with our army men, we played a game' then we watched a movie.  As you can see it did not take long for him to go to sleep.
 Thur. When he got up he (top row)opened gramps card, helped me make coffee cake, (2nd row) we ate the coffee cake, put together a puzzle, played basketball (3rd row) we played soccer,   he blew bubbles, and we played baseball (4th row) we played checkers, an other puzzle, We ate what he picked out popcorn chicken, tater tots, and corn 5th row he got rolled in a tunnel, birthday ice cream sundae, and he got money from us so he picked out three lego items
 During the day we went on a walk we found (top row) mushrooms, some type of fungus 2nd row) some harry stuff, cactus, bird feathers (bottom row) birds, butterflies, and flowers.  We went to Tams for his birthday dinner and birthday cake ice cream.

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