Thursday, March 12, 2015

Looking for new car-motorhome and babysitting Niebrugge's boys

Wed.  After packing to go to Tam's we went to the Ford dealership to look at towable.  We got a good deal on one then went to the Honda dealership to see a Crv.  We made a deal for it also so now we are ready for Thur. to test drive a used motor home.  We spent the rest of the evening playing with the kids. We will be babysitting the boys this week end.  Tam and Hope are going with her school to Washington D.C.

Thur.  We ate then took the boys to school.  Then to Orlando RV. After a test drive we talked money.  We could not come up with a deal that both of us were happy with.  When we got back to Tam's I called the car dealerships and told them the bad news.  After we got the boys, dinner, practice, a trip to Wendy's for free frosty's.

Fri. What a wonderful day.  Brendan helped me make coffee cake. Linda and Bryce had a morning on the porch.  They played cards then enjoyed coffee cake, coffee, and hot chocolate(bottom left picture). Then Kenn and I did yard work and Linda did pressure cleaning while the boys swam. Later Linda cooked while Kenn and I pressured cleaned the front.  After dinner all the boys played basketball.

Sat. After breakfast I finished the pressure washing.  The boys and I played basketball then off to the baseball games.  Left picture is Brendan batting and his team won their games.  top right is bryce playing third and to the left is Kenn who helped coached.  They tied there game.  Bottom right is us with apple pie and pecan topping for pie day 3/14/15/ @ 9:26:53.  It only happens one time every 100 years 3.141592653=pi.

Sun. Kenn was in the chorus and sang a solo.  We then went to Costco for pizza and samples.  When we got home the boys went to practice and Linda and I started filling in the spots n the entry way and garage.  Bryce helped with the garage(picture below).
Mon. What a wonderful day we had. I started out sanding the front porch then painting it in the afternoon. Kenn through out the day pressured clean.  We took the pool spa pump apart to get a new one.  We also got a timer for the pump and paint for the front entry and back door.  As you can see from the photos we had many things to paint. In the botton 2 picture I am sanding the garage floor we have to get paint for it later. these four days have been great in getting things done and the house back up to par. Hope and Tam got home late.  They had a great time in Washington D.C.
Tues. St Patrick's Day. We got up to the patio all turned up by the leprechaun.  Mon. they started there leprechaun traps, but he fooled them(bottom left).  This week the boys spent there time making large cards to welcome Tam and Hope from Washington D.C.(top left two pictures), made a large poster that they hung on the fire place (top right), they made rice crispy's 4leaf clovers(middle two right), made traps for the leprechaun (middle two right), and helped clean and paint.At lunch we had our corn beef and cabbage and Hope made milkshakes (green Mint)she got off the web. Bottom right Kenn and I enjoying our coffee.
 During the day we painted the two garage doors (pictures below), put a new motor on the spa, and went to see a movie at the dollar theater.
Wed. It was a good day to sleep in have coffee in bed then catch up on things around the rig.  After church we went home and and to bed early.

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