Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Brightons b-day 2nd week at Mt Dora

Thur. This was the last day of this week for our sojourn.  One of the house parents had all the sojourners for breakfast. After a late start Linda painted and I got all the pieces ready to install on Monday.  We are both are very tired but we still played cards.

Fri.  Brighton's birthday he would have been 15 today. We met Tammy at a bike path near her home.  The three of us went on a long ride, went back to Tammy's then to Publix for a soup lunch(middle picture is soup bowls in three stages with soup, just got the bread cut and behind that one that has not been cut yet.).  We then pick up the kids, picked up the balloons and went to Fresh Market (bottom left the kids picking out 14 pieces of candy) When we got back to Tam's.  I played basketball with the kids and Kenn,Tam and Linda went and got dinner.  The kids got the pomegranate off the tree (right two pictures) before we released the balloons (top left and middle pictures).  When we came back into the house they opened up the Alvarez gift, butterfly gummies (bottom middle picture).

Sat. We got up early to go to Hope's archery. Top left this is her practice. Top right is her first match she won 3 to 7 they are talling the score. Bottom left was her hardest match the first two they tied the third and forth he won 29 to 28 out of thirty. Bottom right the two teams won and had a shoot out where ten of the players from each team shot one arrow.  They won by three points. It was great to be there to see the matches.  We left there and went to lunch then the light was on at Krispy Kreme so Hope, Linda and I just had to have some!!!  We left there and went shopping and to get a different cover for Linda's new phone.

Sun. After church we went downtown Eustis to a craft fair.  They had a lot of vendors, games, and rides.  We walked around the vendors then ate at a local restaurant.  We went to church and caught up on computer work.

Mon.  Today at lunch they had green eggs and ham(top left)(top right our group having lunch).  Some of the teachers were dressed as Dr. Zeuss character celebrating his birthday.  After dinner we played cards and did laundry.

Tues. Bottom left pictures is the project I have been working on.  Hope to get the locks for the doors Wed. then it well be done. Bottom right Linda pressure washing in the morning and she painted in the afternoon. 

Wed.  Glenn and I started a new project, building a wall 6x6 in a door way. We got it built, primed, and painted.  Linda painted on the house and bleachers at the Girls softball field.  Before church we went to see Devon at the Hospital. She had her knee replaced.

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