Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Niebrigge at end of Spring Break

Thur. Tammy and the kids came and brought pizza for lunch. While Tammy was here we played many sports, went swimming, played cards.  After dinner we watched a movie then when lights were out so were the kids.
Fri. Brendan made two different types of coffee cakes during the day for Sat. breakfast(top left picture).  Hope helped make pancakes for breakfast and banana bread later in the day(top middle picture). We did crafts(top right), went swimming again(middle left), went bike riding at different times during the weekend, and they watched TV(middle right) and movies at night(bottom right two). The bottom left two pictures the kids eating pancakes and salad.
Sat. We got up and drove to Tam's.  Kenn and I put a new valve in their shower and did pressure cleaning on the gable ends of the house and pool area.  Linda washed base boards and doors.  Then went with Tam and the kids to a Boy Scout event where they packaged sealed meals for the needy. They did over 5,500 meals(pictures below).  When they got home Tam and I went to get a shower knob, mulch, and new light fixture for the dinning room.  Kenn and I put it up.  Linda and I drove home ate Subway with Bill and Ellen, then played cards.
Sun.  After we went to church we went with two other couples to Oakwood B-BQ and had ribs.  We left there and went shopping.  After we got home we ate then to church and back home for dinner.

Mon.  It started raining in the middle of the night and rained in the morning.  We did get the truck washed, laundry done and things caught up in the rig. When it stopped raining we got the camps pressure washer and did some of the playground equipment, baseball bleachers, and the open building near the ball field.
Tues. We have enjoyed having coffee in bed in the morning. We started getting caught up with paperwork and business calls and in the afternoon we went shopping.  We enjoyed a early evening watching TV.

Wed.  We worked on getting our income tax done and more phone calls. 21DAYS till our cruise which we are looking FORWARD TO!!!!!!!!!!

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