Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hitches for the car-SC State Capitol Building- Front end aliment

Thur.  All morning long we read more of the booklets on the motorhome.  At 11:30 they came and told us the car was done and he would teach us how to hook up the car to the rig. That is when it started to rain and rain.  At 2:30 it was still raining but slowed down.  It did stop and we moved the rig to a spot we could get hooked up.  Then just as he came to show us it started to rain again.  The mechanic had a huge umbrella which we all got under and he started to bring out the pieces one by one.  Then when we thought we were done he showed us the braking system(more to learn).  After it was all together we took it apart and put it together ourselves.  Then as we left more rain and rush hour traffic.  We were so happy to get to the campground and everything working.  After we got set up we had dinner then relaxed the rest of the evening.  
Fri. After our bible study we put on the bike rack to make sure it worked.  We reorganized the bends in the RV.  We made a trip to Starbucks to make sure the bikes rode well.  Then to bed early after a little TV.

Sat. After breakfast we went to see ZZ and Shannon run at their school.  Afterward we went to Krispy Kreme’s.  Lilimarie had a friend (Audrey) for the week end.  All of us went downtown Columbia and enjoyed Mast General Store.  When we got back to Sha. Al grilled hamburgers and polish sausages.  Sha, Al, Linda, and I played phase 10 and the kids watched a movie.  

Sun.  After church we met Sha at an Oriental restaurant(top left picture below). Then to Starbuck’s before going to her home. The kids got some mask for Halloween Linda and I and ZZ and Lilimarie (middle right two.) Lilimarie  and I sewed some curtains for the rig(3 bottom right pictures). Lilimarie and Diego went to youth group and we played cards before going to the rig.

Mon.  We took the rig to Industrial Alinement to have it alined. While they worked on it we went to the place for my blood work.  We wanted to make sure all the paperwork was right.  We then went to the State capital(top right and middle left).  We were able to join a tour group of the building.  Some of the furnishings were priceless.  They had a picture in the revolution war that had a AfroAmerican in it.  They say it is the only one in that err that shows it.  In the senate the wood they use does not exist anymore.  The deco glass is not done any more in the USA.  It was a great tour and the building was nice.  We left there to go to pick up the rig.  We had decided to hook up the car on the way home for practice.  What should have taken 15 min. took 2 hours.  We did not want to do anything if we were not 100% sure.  We made some phone calls to be sure. When we got back to the campgrounds Linda went to pay for rent and I started to look at things.  I noticed that the fridge was not on.  So for 5 hours it was not on.  After some phone calls I think I now know how to turn on the inverter so the fridge gets electricity.  

Tues.  As we slept in we got a call saying the kids missed the bus and wanted us to take them to school.  We did then went to get my blood work done and Krispy Kreme for free coffee and donut(bottom right picture above).  We then went back to where we got the hitch put on and got the hitch cover that was on order.  After lunch I worked on the rig and did the blog. Linda did more reading and paper work on the rig. 

Wed.  After our bible study we again read some of the manuals on the rig.  I am working on the generator and Linda is making cheat sheets for hooking the car to the rig.  We then took a walk to the office and extended our time and paid for it.  After lunch we worked on getting a space in Nashville for Thanksgiving.  After dinner we went to church.  We met ZZ, Diego and Shannon to have ice cream.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week-end at Alvarez's-new car hitches

Thur.  after getting the things in the car we went to a few more stores then to Shannon's.  We fixed dinner then Lilimarie to practice and Diego to another field 8 miles away.  I stayed for Diego's practice then we picked up Lilimarie.

Fri. The kids off to school and took ZZ to his then to the rig to see if we shut one of the ceiling vents.  After we got back to Shannon's it was time to go pick up ZZ.  After all the kids got home they did there chores and made pizza's.  We took Lilimarie to practice and Linda stayed with her and I and the boys went to Diego's practice.  We went for ice cream afterwards.

Sat.  After we got up ZZ made breakfast biscuits and gravy, sausage, and scrambled eggs.  The boys went to there practice from 11 to 1 (very hot).  After we got home we had lunch and Linda told everyone about cooking with there secret ingredient.  Lilimare made here dessert(chili dark choc.,brownie mix, pineapple, strawberries, choc. chips, choc. syrup, choc. frosting, vanilla ice cream, and cherries) then I took her to practice.  Just before it was over she hurt her ankle and I brought her home.  While we were gone Diego made dinner (chili dark choc., hamburger, tomato, cumin, chili. seasoning, chips, pineapple, beans, pineapple salsa, garlic, and cheese)and ZZ appetizer's (chili dark choc.,humus, crackers, chips, beans, salsa,and pepper.  After dinner we watched a movie.

Sun.  After church we came home to see how Lilimarie was doing with her ankle.  We had lunch then worked on the puzzle we had started for the weekend.  We redid the box for the cool house. We  took Lilimarie and Diego to there youth group and rented a movie to watch with ZZ.  When the kids got home we said good night and came ack to the rig.  

Mon.  After redoing some things on the rig we pick up ZZ then to Shannon’s for dinner.  We then went to Diego’s and ZZ’s first ball games.

Tues. We spent the day getting ready to cone to Tony's RV for a new hitch in front and rear of the car. We had been praying for a spot to put the rig as they put it on at the service shop.  When we found that they had a spot we left and set up.  We went out to dinner then back for the night.

Wed.  After a loud night with the traffic going by they started putting the hitch on the car.  During the day we read many of the manuals on the rig.  As their day closed they had the hitch on the front of the car finished and had not started on the rear hitch.  We spent the night again.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

USC Football game-43 Anniversary-Camden SC

Thur. We had a brake today we went to get Lilimarie and take her to the orthodontist.  While she was getting her bottom braces on we got some things for the rig. After lunch we Lilimarie home then back to work on the rig putting things away where Linda is going to get the room I do not know.    

Fri.  We woke up to a puddle of water in the bathroom.  After we got things cleaned up we started working again on the rig.  We finally got things so that they do not look cluttered.  Did a little shopping and a treat, Starbucks.  We got the pull handle on the door. We had dinner on the picnic table and went for a walk.  We went to bed a little later nine.

Sat.  We drove to the Army bace to met Shannon, Lilimarie, and ZZ.  They were running in a 5k race.  We had lunch on the bace then went home to work on the rig.  I moved the way and the couch the other so that we could get the frig door open.  In the process when I was kneeling I felt my knee pop and it immediately swelled to the size of a softball.  After icing it the swelling went down a little.  Shannon came and picked us up and we went to a birthday party the boys were invited to.  Then we went to dinner and the USC football game. We got tickets form the Army bace.  We were on the 40 row out of 42 rows.  We stayed through till the beginning of the fourth quarter.

 Sun. After church we went to the Original House of Pancakes.  Then shopping and to Lilimarie’s softball practice. When we got home it was shower and bed we were both tired.

Mon.  We worked on the rig putting shelves in the closet.  We got the shelves done but did not have time to put the clothes back.  We pick up Lilimaire at her school and took her to the orthodontist for one of her braces came loose.  We then went to their house and cooked dinner.  After dinner we came home did our bible study and started to put the clothes back into the closet. 

Tues.  After our bible study we went to the office to pay for more time here at the base.  We moved the rig from site 2 to 6 we both like it here and only $15 a night till Oct. 1.  We still are organizing and will be so happy when we get that done.  We look forward to just sitting outside reading the motorhome manuals.  We went to Lilimarie softball game.  The team did well for there first game.  The last time she got up to bat she got hit in the helmet.

Wed. We went to Subway before going to ZZ school for grandparents day.  After we left there we went to Camden.  We had a delicious lunch at Sam Kendall’s. When they found out it was our 43 anniversary they gave us a cake and ice cream.  It was like the cake at

 After walking around town for a few blocks we drove to  some of the Revolutionary War sites.

 We went to a Carnegie Library  that is used partly as a library and part museum.  It had a collection of guns and other things(top left picture).  2nd picture one of the possible three Luken tower clocks.  Behind the clock you see the original indian wind chime.  They had two  made later and put on city hall and the church where the first one was put. From there we went to Springdale Race Course where they have the beginning (Feb)and end (nov) of the National Steeplechase.  They have a museum there which we went thru and were able to talk to the manager which she told us a lot about the race and it’s history. 2nd row 2nd pictures Lawrence Eugene Doby first black baseball player in the American League, drafted by the Cleveland Indians. 2nd row right is the jerseys the winning jockeys wore during there races. Bottom left a old scale for the jockeys used. 3rd picture This is a sample of the fence they jump in Maryland. right is the fence the horses jump when getting their training. When we got home we were both tired but we did have little wine, cheese and crackers and apples and watched “What about Bob”.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Labor day and New Motor Home

Thur.  We finalized signing insurance papers electronically.  We then went thru the stuff in the truck the only thing left with it is to change the code to get into the truck.  We went to a glass place to see if the glass on our table can be used in the new rig.  I had to get my med perscription. and we picked up ZZ on the way to Sha’s.  We did his homework while Linda cooked dinner.  ZZ did help Linda put the biscuits on the shepards pie. After we ate all three kids ball practice got cancelled so we played cards.  On the way home we went to Aldi’s and Walmart for gas.  Not bad 30.2 miles per gal.  It will be nice if the motorhome gets that.  

Fri. Another Yea YEA day we got the papers from our mail service.!!!  Everything is now in place for the closing of the motorhome on Tues. What a relaxing morning, we went for a walk around the park and talked to some folks about there gas motorhome.  We feel we have a good outlook on what to look for in our walk through.  After dinner we had a fire in the fire pit and by six showered and ready for bed.  We both have sleep to catch up on.  

Sat. Shannon and the kids came over for what Linda called a hodge bodge lunch.  We are trying to use all the items we have in the house so when we get the new rig we start putting in new stuff.  I played ball with the kids before we went to the beach area to go swimming.  Linda and Shannon went to have coffee and get our pass for the base.  When the kids and I came home we played cards.  Al and Shannon took us out to dinner to Brazilian Steakhouse for mother/father days and ann.

Sun.  Al drove us to Asheville NC. where we met Al and Heather(Sandy’s daughter). On the way we stopped at Hendersonville to pick apples and peaches. 

When we got there we ate then walked around town for they were having a weekend festival. We of course went to the French Broad Chocolate place and got our chocolate fix. 

  We drove to Al and Heathers’s where the kids helped Al feed the goats and we had a wonderful steak dinner.  The two of them were wonderful host because they did not know we were coming to there home for dinner.  It was a great unplanned day. 

Mon. Labor day we did our laundry.  We met Shannon and the kids at the movie theater and watched War Room.  What a wonderful christian movie all of us would recommend it.  When we got home we got things ready for our move on Tues.

Tues. Things went well this morning as we got up early made coffee and did our bible study we headed for Spartanburg.  After arriving at Camping world, they took our 5th wheel to process it.  We then talked to the financing to make sure all the figures were right and we had extended warranty.  They gave us a walk thru on the new motorhome(we thought we learned everything he taught us but the first time we had a problem we could not remember what he said). Then it was back to the finance dept to finish the paper work.  Just before noon we were all done and started to move things from the 5th wheel to the motorhome. We were told we would have a hook up for both rigs.  There was none for the 5th wheel and we ran the generator in the motorhome till it ran out of fuel.  We were both very hot for it was in the low nineties.  Later in the afternoon the sales person came and filled our tank and had the rigs moved so both  could be on 30 amp.  WE worked till 11 before we showered and got the bed moved from the 5th wheel to the motorhome. We got to bed by 12 but could not sleep.  Linda was up several times doing little things.

Wed.  We got the rest of the things out of the 5th wheel and had the service dept. do little things that were wrong.  We drove back to Fort Jackson and got settled in.  Linda worked on the things that had not been put away.  We were both very tired and so much more to do as we are fining out this rig is much smaller for storage.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Looking for insurance

Thur.  Another day on the phone getting quotes for insurance.  We think we have it salved.  After lunch we went to Shannons, fixed dinner, and when the kids got home talked to them.  After dinner we went to Lilimarie’s softball practice then to Diego’s practice.

Fri.  We talked to a person in the park from Fla.about insurance. He had GEICO sowe called GEICO for a quote thinking it was cheaper just to find out they had not given us uninsured motorist insurance.  After lunch we went to Shannon’s to pick up the boys for Shannon and Lilimarie are going to Jen’s and meeting Tam and Hope there.  We played games with the boys, walked the dog, came back to the rig with the boys and watched a movie.

Sat. Linda made waffles and the boys enjoyed having whip cream in there mouths.  We ate outside and put banana and strawberries on them.  We went to Xanders ball practice, Diego and I helped.  After his two hour practice Diego had his two hour practice.  Al met us at the ball park and we went to Henry’s for lunch.  Linda and I shared a double cheese burger that had a toasted cheese sandwich on each side for the bun and sweet potatoes fries.  Al took Diego and we took ZZ to the rig went for a long swim.  After dinner we started a fire and had s’mores.  The boys came in and played with the
legos and army men.  We watched the movie RV again before bed.

Sun. After church we meet at Shannon's and Al made lunch and dinner.  We played some cards and went home early.

Mon. Walk, breakfast and bible study.  Then we moved the rig to the lot next to us.  We went shopping, had Starbuck's, picked up ZZ, and went to Shannon's.  I helped ZZ with math and then he read to Linda.  Linda made a delicious cilli, I worked on the computer and Linda played cards with the kids.

Tues.  A new month yea.  We still are working on getting insurance for our new rig and Thur.  Another day on the phone getting quotes for insurance.  We think we have it solved.  After lunch we went to Shannons, fixed dinner, and when the kids got home talked to them.  After dinner we went to ZZ,s/ Diego’s practice while Shannon had orientation at her school.

Wed.  We finally got our new insurance done and bought.  It will be with National General.  We also went to the Honda Dealership and had our walk through and got the final paper work for the tag and title now all we need to do is close on the motorhome and send the paperwork.  We then went to church and back to the rig.  What a relief to have these things done.