Thursday, September 24, 2015

Week-end at Alvarez's-new car hitches

Thur.  after getting the things in the car we went to a few more stores then to Shannon's.  We fixed dinner then Lilimarie to practice and Diego to another field 8 miles away.  I stayed for Diego's practice then we picked up Lilimarie.

Fri. The kids off to school and took ZZ to his then to the rig to see if we shut one of the ceiling vents.  After we got back to Shannon's it was time to go pick up ZZ.  After all the kids got home they did there chores and made pizza's.  We took Lilimarie to practice and Linda stayed with her and I and the boys went to Diego's practice.  We went for ice cream afterwards.

Sat.  After we got up ZZ made breakfast biscuits and gravy, sausage, and scrambled eggs.  The boys went to there practice from 11 to 1 (very hot).  After we got home we had lunch and Linda told everyone about cooking with there secret ingredient.  Lilimare made here dessert(chili dark choc.,brownie mix, pineapple, strawberries, choc. chips, choc. syrup, choc. frosting, vanilla ice cream, and cherries) then I took her to practice.  Just before it was over she hurt her ankle and I brought her home.  While we were gone Diego made dinner (chili dark choc., hamburger, tomato, cumin, chili. seasoning, chips, pineapple, beans, pineapple salsa, garlic, and cheese)and ZZ appetizer's (chili dark choc.,humus, crackers, chips, beans, salsa,and pepper.  After dinner we watched a movie.

Sun.  After church we came home to see how Lilimarie was doing with her ankle.  We had lunch then worked on the puzzle we had started for the weekend.  We redid the box for the cool house. We  took Lilimarie and Diego to there youth group and rented a movie to watch with ZZ.  When the kids got home we said good night and came ack to the rig.  

Mon.  After redoing some things on the rig we pick up ZZ then to Shannon’s for dinner.  We then went to Diego’s and ZZ’s first ball games.

Tues. We spent the day getting ready to cone to Tony's RV for a new hitch in front and rear of the car. We had been praying for a spot to put the rig as they put it on at the service shop.  When we found that they had a spot we left and set up.  We went out to dinner then back for the night.

Wed.  After a loud night with the traffic going by they started putting the hitch on the car.  During the day we read many of the manuals on the rig.  As their day closed they had the hitch on the front of the car finished and had not started on the rear hitch.  We spent the night again.

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