Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hitches for the car-SC State Capitol Building- Front end aliment

Thur.  All morning long we read more of the booklets on the motorhome.  At 11:30 they came and told us the car was done and he would teach us how to hook up the car to the rig. That is when it started to rain and rain.  At 2:30 it was still raining but slowed down.  It did stop and we moved the rig to a spot we could get hooked up.  Then just as he came to show us it started to rain again.  The mechanic had a huge umbrella which we all got under and he started to bring out the pieces one by one.  Then when we thought we were done he showed us the braking system(more to learn).  After it was all together we took it apart and put it together ourselves.  Then as we left more rain and rush hour traffic.  We were so happy to get to the campground and everything working.  After we got set up we had dinner then relaxed the rest of the evening.  
Fri. After our bible study we put on the bike rack to make sure it worked.  We reorganized the bends in the RV.  We made a trip to Starbucks to make sure the bikes rode well.  Then to bed early after a little TV.

Sat. After breakfast we went to see ZZ and Shannon run at their school.  Afterward we went to Krispy Kreme’s.  Lilimarie had a friend (Audrey) for the week end.  All of us went downtown Columbia and enjoyed Mast General Store.  When we got back to Sha. Al grilled hamburgers and polish sausages.  Sha, Al, Linda, and I played phase 10 and the kids watched a movie.  

Sun.  After church we met Sha at an Oriental restaurant(top left picture below). Then to Starbuck’s before going to her home. The kids got some mask for Halloween Linda and I and ZZ and Lilimarie (middle right two.) Lilimarie  and I sewed some curtains for the rig(3 bottom right pictures). Lilimarie and Diego went to youth group and we played cards before going to the rig.

Mon.  We took the rig to Industrial Alinement to have it alined. While they worked on it we went to the place for my blood work.  We wanted to make sure all the paperwork was right.  We then went to the State capital(top right and middle left).  We were able to join a tour group of the building.  Some of the furnishings were priceless.  They had a picture in the revolution war that had a AfroAmerican in it.  They say it is the only one in that err that shows it.  In the senate the wood they use does not exist anymore.  The deco glass is not done any more in the USA.  It was a great tour and the building was nice.  We left there to go to pick up the rig.  We had decided to hook up the car on the way home for practice.  What should have taken 15 min. took 2 hours.  We did not want to do anything if we were not 100% sure.  We made some phone calls to be sure. When we got back to the campgrounds Linda went to pay for rent and I started to look at things.  I noticed that the fridge was not on.  So for 5 hours it was not on.  After some phone calls I think I now know how to turn on the inverter so the fridge gets electricity.  

Tues.  As we slept in we got a call saying the kids missed the bus and wanted us to take them to school.  We did then went to get my blood work done and Krispy Kreme for free coffee and donut(bottom right picture above).  We then went back to where we got the hitch put on and got the hitch cover that was on order.  After lunch I worked on the rig and did the blog. Linda did more reading and paper work on the rig. 

Wed.  After our bible study we again read some of the manuals on the rig.  I am working on the generator and Linda is making cheat sheets for hooking the car to the rig.  We then took a walk to the office and extended our time and paid for it.  After lunch we worked on getting a space in Nashville for Thanksgiving.  After dinner we went to church.  We met ZZ, Diego and Shannon to have ice cream.

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