Thursday, September 17, 2015

USC Football game-43 Anniversary-Camden SC

Thur. We had a brake today we went to get Lilimarie and take her to the orthodontist.  While she was getting her bottom braces on we got some things for the rig. After lunch we Lilimarie home then back to work on the rig putting things away where Linda is going to get the room I do not know.    

Fri.  We woke up to a puddle of water in the bathroom.  After we got things cleaned up we started working again on the rig.  We finally got things so that they do not look cluttered.  Did a little shopping and a treat, Starbucks.  We got the pull handle on the door. We had dinner on the picnic table and went for a walk.  We went to bed a little later nine.

Sat.  We drove to the Army bace to met Shannon, Lilimarie, and ZZ.  They were running in a 5k race.  We had lunch on the bace then went home to work on the rig.  I moved the way and the couch the other so that we could get the frig door open.  In the process when I was kneeling I felt my knee pop and it immediately swelled to the size of a softball.  After icing it the swelling went down a little.  Shannon came and picked us up and we went to a birthday party the boys were invited to.  Then we went to dinner and the USC football game. We got tickets form the Army bace.  We were on the 40 row out of 42 rows.  We stayed through till the beginning of the fourth quarter.

 Sun. After church we went to the Original House of Pancakes.  Then shopping and to Lilimarie’s softball practice. When we got home it was shower and bed we were both tired.

Mon.  We worked on the rig putting shelves in the closet.  We got the shelves done but did not have time to put the clothes back.  We pick up Lilimaire at her school and took her to the orthodontist for one of her braces came loose.  We then went to their house and cooked dinner.  After dinner we came home did our bible study and started to put the clothes back into the closet. 

Tues.  After our bible study we went to the office to pay for more time here at the base.  We moved the rig from site 2 to 6 we both like it here and only $15 a night till Oct. 1.  We still are organizing and will be so happy when we get that done.  We look forward to just sitting outside reading the motorhome manuals.  We went to Lilimarie softball game.  The team did well for there first game.  The last time she got up to bat she got hit in the helmet.

Wed. We went to Subway before going to ZZ school for grandparents day.  After we left there we went to Camden.  We had a delicious lunch at Sam Kendall’s. When they found out it was our 43 anniversary they gave us a cake and ice cream.  It was like the cake at

 After walking around town for a few blocks we drove to  some of the Revolutionary War sites.

 We went to a Carnegie Library  that is used partly as a library and part museum.  It had a collection of guns and other things(top left picture).  2nd picture one of the possible three Luken tower clocks.  Behind the clock you see the original indian wind chime.  They had two  made later and put on city hall and the church where the first one was put. From there we went to Springdale Race Course where they have the beginning (Feb)and end (nov) of the National Steeplechase.  They have a museum there which we went thru and were able to talk to the manager which she told us a lot about the race and it’s history. 2nd row 2nd pictures Lawrence Eugene Doby first black baseball player in the American League, drafted by the Cleveland Indians. 2nd row right is the jerseys the winning jockeys wore during there races. Bottom left a old scale for the jockeys used. 3rd picture This is a sample of the fence they jump in Maryland. right is the fence the horses jump when getting their training. When we got home we were both tired but we did have little wine, cheese and crackers and apples and watched “What about Bob”.

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