Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fort Myers--Mt. Dora Sojourn

Thur. We had finished our workshop at noon and said good by to the Sojourner's that were leaving.  We drove to Fort Myers, saw our old homes, then to Mike and Pam's. Betty and Fred were also there to visit for the week-end.  We had a lovely dinner at Square One then talked, watched TV, and played games on I-pad(downloaded puzzles).

Fri. Mike and Pam worked the rest drove to Cape Coral to see Linda and Betty's parents homes.  We also drove past Justin, Brandi, and Cameron's house.  We met with Mike and Pam and went to have Pizza and wings.

Sat. We had a nice leisure breakfast, then got ready to go to the parade.   We parked several blocks away because we knew we were going to leave early.  We went to where Mike and Pam have taped off a large section in front of the building she works at.  Linda, Bettty, Fred and I went walking.  Stopped at a restaurant for lunch then walked more around town.  There were 24 statues around town (21 of them below 1st picture) and went into Capone's a restaurant that used a elevator shaft and made a secret vault(2nd picture top left two picture).  We went to the craft fair near the river. where statues of Edison, Ford, and  Firestone(2nd picture top right)  Then went to visit friends from church.  We enjoyed the fire works before the parade(2nd picture middle right two) and the parade itself(bottom third picture). We left around 9:30pm and got back to the rig around 1am.

Sun. Morning came quickly.  Went to Mt. Dora COC.  Then out to dinner with friends.  Went to the flea market to get dad's sauerkraut then home.  Worked on some paper work before our meeting about the children's home sojourn.  We went back to church and afterwards they had a chili cook off.  We enjoyed many of them and the desserts.

Mon. We went to Mt Dora Christian Academy.  When we got there they had a large breakfast laid out for all us.  Linda and a sojourner painted the softball bleachers.(top left picture below)  I and a sojourner took four rotten paneling off a building and put up four new ones(top left picture below).  We came home got cleaned up, ate, then played pegs and joker's.

Tues.  This morning one of the house parents made breakfast for everyone.  We then had our devo and went to work.  I finished the cauking on the boards we did yesterday.  Ed and I went to the gym and got told what they wanted done.  Today we tore down a piano room and are going to build a storage for the cheerleaders.

Wed.  Today we had our breakfast at the school.  Linda and some ladies worked on putting shelfing paper(bottom two pictures above).  Ed and I went to the gym and worked on the cheerleading closet.  When we got home we had dinner, went to walmart, then to church.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2nd Week of workshop

Thur. Today is the day Linda signed up for snacks.  I made my coffee cake and she made pumpkin bread.  The other ladies made other things and they had fruit.  Again we had a great speaker the head of the christian school.  Then after lunch Dr. Moore spoke more on Islam.  Do you remember QBD. Quiet But Deadly took on a whole new meeting.  For dinner we had a pot luck then ice cream and toppings.  Normally I would have been excited but tomorrow I am having my blood work done. We had a sing along.

Fri.  We went to do my blood test then to Mcdonald's for breakfast.  When we got back to camp we picked up a couple and went to Blue Spring State Park to see the manatee.  The water was crystal clear and there were lots of the manatees to see.  We went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch then back to camp.  After our bible study we took a walk then had diner.  We went and played pegs and jokers and tied 2 games each.

Sat.  We got the oil changed in the generator and washed the car.  The thing about working on something here is that a lot of folks stop and talk.  What is good after talking to folks they to saw a need to get there generators caught up.  After dinner we just showered and relaxed.

Sun.  We went to church then to Walmart to get Linda's glasses adjusted.  We had dinner then a bible study here in the chapel.  Afterwards we played pegs and jokers and guys won three games to two.

Mon. We had our speaker in the morning, ate lunch, afternoon speaker, and I along with three team mates entered a bible bowl against  one other team.  We got beat by 7 points. We had dinner then they invited everyone for the left over ice cream, sing along, and camp fire.

Tues.  We had more of our work shop and in the afternoon we went on the zipline it is twenty feet taller than two years ago when we went on it.  Our second day of bible bowl and we lost by more than the first day.  That evening we had our banquet.  Did we get stuffed.

Wed.  One of the guys was having stomach pain so Linda and took him to the Drs.  He is doing better now we are so glad we took him.  I am so glad that the bible bowl is over.  I learned that even when I study there is so much to learn.  I was able to caulk one of the roofs on a motorhome for a couple.  We had dinner then to church.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dad's, Drs. and Workshop

Thur.  After getting up late we headed to Skidders for breakfast.  Dad had a Dr. appt. for his white blood cells are high.  We were grateful that right now we just have to keep an eye on the labs.  We played pegs and jokers twice today Linda 5 the guys 3.  To celebrate Jennifer's birthday on Fri.  we went to Skidder's to have hamburgers and fries.  We also had a delicious chocolate cake(picture below).  We had some guest, dad's childhood friends daughter.  We had a lot of wind and rain.  We were glad we had washed the windows in his living room.

Fri.  We went to Skidder's again for breakfast then We went and met my new Dr.  and got two more appointment at the end of the month.  When we got home we opened our mail, made phone calls, and paid bills.  We played more cards and now all even 5 games each.  We had dinner and watched a movie.

Sat.  After breakfast we played two games of pegs and jokers each of us won a game.  For lunch we had glorified ham sandwiches (yum yum).   On our way home we went to Bealls's and got Linda some sandals.  When we got gas they had a Cinnabon  which they were just pulling out of the oven.  It was way to tempting and they did taste oh so good.  When we got home we got caught up on our paper work.

Sun.  It was nice to get back into routine.  Coffee in bed, bible devo, breakfast, then off to church.  We had a Afternoon Tea (code for cookies and treats) to start the workshop.  It is also a time for getting the material for the workshop and paying for the banquet dinner, men or women luncheon, and workshop fees.  We had a devo at the chapel then a super bowl party.  Some watched the game others watched and played hand and foot which the guys won.

Mon.  Two of us are in charge of the coffee for the next two weeks.  We made some coffee I went home and we had breakfast and bible study.   We went to the workshop and heard a great speaker to encourage us.  We came home for lunch then back for more speakers.  We then played games outside bean bag toss and bocce ball(it was the first time I played it lots of fun). After dinner we had a meeting to tell us how the bible bowl is going to be played next week and a sing along.  We have many talented song leader and we sang for two hours.

Tues.  We got coffee ready for us and the workshop then went on a walk.  It was cold the wind went through us.  After our bible study and breakfast we went to the workshop where we had another wonderful speaker Phil Barns the preacher at Orange Ave. COC where we have been attending.  We finally got the Sojourn decal for the front of the car sandpit in on.  The ladies had there luncheon where I was able with two other guys to serve. Then to the mens luncheon where I was able to eat yummy subs.  Our afternoon classes was a round up of places of sojourns that folks have been on.  It gave us ideas where we would like to serve.  We had our games then after dinner about 40 played  board and card games.  Linda and I played pegs and jokers guys 2 girls 1.

Wed.  It was COLD this morning so we did not walk.  I got up made coffee at the rig then four pots for the workshop.  We looked at the boards to see the sojourn's out west.  Then as being the coffee person all the pots were empty.  I made more then some for our break.  We had the minister from Mt. Dora COC speak today.  Another wonderful speaker.  This afternoon Dr. Moore spoke on Islam every time he speaks on it I learn more and more.  We left to get hair cuts, Starbucks, mail a package, shop, and a picnic that we ate in the car because it was tooCOLD and windy out.  The temp. dropped fast, suppose to be in the 30's.  After church we went to Publix then home.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Atlanta Ga. and Dad's

Thur. I worked a little on Carol's house then to the hospital.  After lunch Linda and I came back to Carol's  had dinner then back to the hospital.  Amanda, Dusty, Heidi, and Hayden visited.  We played pass the ace and talked.  On the way to Carol's house I got some stuff to hang Carol's bird house and popcorn.

Fri.  Today my dad will turn 92 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD.  When we leave here we will be going to celebrate his birthday.  I got the bird house up in Carol's entry then to the hospital. The girl's worked on Carol's insurance.  What good news! Carol went to a rehab center.  After we got her paper work done for the rehab center we went to Carol's for the night.

Sat.  We had breakfast, bible study, then went to the rehab center after lunch. After a visit with Carol we met Josh, Ashley, Amanda, Dusty, Heidi, and Hayden at Red Robin.  We had a great visit and dinner.  We went to Carol's home after that for the night.

Sun.  We got up had breakfast, bible study, and cleaned.  We drove to dad's made for a long day.

Mon. Dad took us out to breakfast then we drove to our new Drs.  We got our paper work so we will have to do it later.  When we got home we played pegs and jokers.  Dad made lunch for us top left picture below.  Linda won one and dad and I won one. Dad made pork chops, potatoes and saurkraut.  We watched a movie and went to bed early.

Tues.  Linda made sweet rolls for breakfast(top right two pictures).  We were able to get caught up on some computer work. We played another game of pegs and jokers. Linda won.  I got the chair finished it turned out a lot better than we planed(bottom three pictures).  We took a nice long walk in this 80 degree weather.

Wed.  Linda made ham and eggs for dad and an omelet for us.  We played more pegs and jokers Linda is now four games to our one.  We drove to Tampa after lunch to get oil change stuff for the generator and a computer class at the mall.  On the way back to dad's we went to church.