Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fort Myers--Mt. Dora Sojourn

Thur. We had finished our workshop at noon and said good by to the Sojourner's that were leaving.  We drove to Fort Myers, saw our old homes, then to Mike and Pam's. Betty and Fred were also there to visit for the week-end.  We had a lovely dinner at Square One then talked, watched TV, and played games on I-pad(downloaded puzzles).

Fri. Mike and Pam worked the rest drove to Cape Coral to see Linda and Betty's parents homes.  We also drove past Justin, Brandi, and Cameron's house.  We met with Mike and Pam and went to have Pizza and wings.

Sat. We had a nice leisure breakfast, then got ready to go to the parade.   We parked several blocks away because we knew we were going to leave early.  We went to where Mike and Pam have taped off a large section in front of the building she works at.  Linda, Bettty, Fred and I went walking.  Stopped at a restaurant for lunch then walked more around town.  There were 24 statues around town (21 of them below 1st picture) and went into Capone's a restaurant that used a elevator shaft and made a secret vault(2nd picture top left two picture).  We went to the craft fair near the river. where statues of Edison, Ford, and  Firestone(2nd picture top right)  Then went to visit friends from church.  We enjoyed the fire works before the parade(2nd picture middle right two) and the parade itself(bottom third picture). We left around 9:30pm and got back to the rig around 1am.

Sun. Morning came quickly.  Went to Mt. Dora COC.  Then out to dinner with friends.  Went to the flea market to get dad's sauerkraut then home.  Worked on some paper work before our meeting about the children's home sojourn.  We went back to church and afterwards they had a chili cook off.  We enjoyed many of them and the desserts.

Mon. We went to Mt Dora Christian Academy.  When we got there they had a large breakfast laid out for all us.  Linda and a sojourner painted the softball bleachers.(top left picture below)  I and a sojourner took four rotten paneling off a building and put up four new ones(top left picture below).  We came home got cleaned up, ate, then played pegs and joker's.

Tues.  This morning one of the house parents made breakfast for everyone.  We then had our devo and went to work.  I finished the cauking on the boards we did yesterday.  Ed and I went to the gym and got told what they wanted done.  Today we tore down a piano room and are going to build a storage for the cheerleaders.

Wed.  Today we had our breakfast at the school.  Linda and some ladies worked on putting shelfing paper(bottom two pictures above).  Ed and I went to the gym and worked on the cheerleading closet.  When we got home we had dinner, went to walmart, then to church.

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