Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2nd Week of workshop

Thur. Today is the day Linda signed up for snacks.  I made my coffee cake and she made pumpkin bread.  The other ladies made other things and they had fruit.  Again we had a great speaker the head of the christian school.  Then after lunch Dr. Moore spoke more on Islam.  Do you remember QBD. Quiet But Deadly took on a whole new meeting.  For dinner we had a pot luck then ice cream and toppings.  Normally I would have been excited but tomorrow I am having my blood work done. We had a sing along.

Fri.  We went to do my blood test then to Mcdonald's for breakfast.  When we got back to camp we picked up a couple and went to Blue Spring State Park to see the manatee.  The water was crystal clear and there were lots of the manatees to see.  We went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch then back to camp.  After our bible study we took a walk then had diner.  We went and played pegs and jokers and tied 2 games each.

Sat.  We got the oil changed in the generator and washed the car.  The thing about working on something here is that a lot of folks stop and talk.  What is good after talking to folks they to saw a need to get there generators caught up.  After dinner we just showered and relaxed.

Sun.  We went to church then to Walmart to get Linda's glasses adjusted.  We had dinner then a bible study here in the chapel.  Afterwards we played pegs and jokers and guys won three games to two.

Mon. We had our speaker in the morning, ate lunch, afternoon speaker, and I along with three team mates entered a bible bowl against  one other team.  We got beat by 7 points. We had dinner then they invited everyone for the left over ice cream, sing along, and camp fire.

Tues.  We had more of our work shop and in the afternoon we went on the zipline it is twenty feet taller than two years ago when we went on it.  Our second day of bible bowl and we lost by more than the first day.  That evening we had our banquet.  Did we get stuffed.

Wed.  One of the guys was having stomach pain so Linda and took him to the Drs.  He is doing better now we are so glad we took him.  I am so glad that the bible bowl is over.  I learned that even when I study there is so much to learn.  I was able to caulk one of the roofs on a motorhome for a couple.  We had dinner then to church.

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