Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Atlanta Ga. and Dad's

Thur. I worked a little on Carol's house then to the hospital.  After lunch Linda and I came back to Carol's  had dinner then back to the hospital.  Amanda, Dusty, Heidi, and Hayden visited.  We played pass the ace and talked.  On the way to Carol's house I got some stuff to hang Carol's bird house and popcorn.

Fri.  Today my dad will turn 92 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD.  When we leave here we will be going to celebrate his birthday.  I got the bird house up in Carol's entry then to the hospital. The girl's worked on Carol's insurance.  What good news! Carol went to a rehab center.  After we got her paper work done for the rehab center we went to Carol's for the night.

Sat.  We had breakfast, bible study, then went to the rehab center after lunch. After a visit with Carol we met Josh, Ashley, Amanda, Dusty, Heidi, and Hayden at Red Robin.  We had a great visit and dinner.  We went to Carol's home after that for the night.

Sun.  We got up had breakfast, bible study, and cleaned.  We drove to dad's made for a long day.

Mon. Dad took us out to breakfast then we drove to our new Drs.  We got our paper work so we will have to do it later.  When we got home we played pegs and jokers.  Dad made lunch for us top left picture below.  Linda won one and dad and I won one. Dad made pork chops, potatoes and saurkraut.  We watched a movie and went to bed early.

Tues.  Linda made sweet rolls for breakfast(top right two pictures).  We were able to get caught up on some computer work. We played another game of pegs and jokers. Linda won.  I got the chair finished it turned out a lot better than we planed(bottom three pictures).  We took a nice long walk in this 80 degree weather.

Wed.  Linda made ham and eggs for dad and an omelet for us.  We played more pegs and jokers Linda is now four games to our one.  We drove to Tampa after lunch to get oil change stuff for the generator and a computer class at the mall.  On the way back to dad's we went to church.

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