Wednesday, April 13, 2016

1000 Trails-Winter Gardens

Thur.  We enjoyed today walking, riding bikes, and playing Skip-Bo.  I also put new grips on my bike.

Fri.  We took a swim and did some cleaning.  Had dinner and played Skip-Bo.  We walked to the club house where Lou Renshaw(top left picture below) was having a concert.  It lasted for 2 1/2 hours.  We were able to listen to the music and dance.  We a had a great evening.  

Sat. After breakfast we put the bikes on the car.  We drove through a neighborhood garage sale and found 4 life jackets for four dollars.  Then a trip in the county down a dirt road to go blueberry picking. (top right 3 pictures).  they have 10 different types we picked flicker and Jewel. They also had hot blueberry cobbler, blueberry ice cream(which we put on top of the cobbler) and blueberry muffins which we ate all three(bottom left picture).  Then to the bike path in Winter Garden West orange trail(bottom middle picture).  We biked six miles to Winter Garden  where thy were having a garden festival( bottom right).

They had a butterfly exhibit(top left picture below).  2nd picture is an old ice cream maker, next to that young lady on stilts, and next to that one of the flowers exhibit.  They had elem., middle, and high school doing chalk art(bottom two rows).
 When we got home we played skip-bo, did the blog., bills, and watched TV. 

Sun. After breakfast we went to church.  Then shopping and and afternoon swim.  We got some of our magazines read.  After dinner we listened to a couple playing country christian music.  We  were going to watch the Disney fireworks but we are both too tired.

Mon. After breakfast we biked to Publix about a 5 mile ride.  We played more skip-bo during the day.  After lunch I played water volleyball and Linda read in the sun and exercised in the pool.  We went to a computer class before dinner.  After the class we saw the light was on at Krispy Kreme so we just had to have a donut (pictures below).  When we got home we watched  Dancing with the stars then bed.  We both had a hard time sleeping.  Linda has sore back muscles and a headache.

Tues. Linda had a bad headache but still made wonderful blueberry pancakes (yum yum). We played skip-bo during the day.  After lunch I played pool volleyball and Linda read some magazines, swam, and laid on the pool chair.  After dinner we played putt putt.  I got one hole in one and we tied with strokes (did I mention that Linda got 4 yes four hole in ones) we played more card games and my lucky streak is still going.  We read some magazines and watched some TV.

Wed.  After breakfast we went on a bike ride and got the daily newspaper.  We read played skip-bo then had lunch.  After lunch I played water volleyball and Linda read, swam and relaxed.  We had dinner and on our way to church we stopped by Walmart to get our glassed adjusted.

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