Sunday, April 24, 2016

Leaving 1000 Trails-Jax. FL-Beaufort SC-Charleston SC

Thur.  After our bible study we went to the Florida Mall.  At noon we had a one on one to help us with the photos and doing graphs. during the lesson we found that our computer had a glitch and from there everything went down hill.  We had to get another back up external hard drive and back everything up.  When we got that done our computer operating system needed to be up dated.  At seven we were walking out of Apple and going back to the rig.  While we were there we talked to one of the associates and he told us that Verizon could now be on hot spot and make calls at the same time.  I called Verizon and made the changes.  We got home and I put the bikes on the car rack just before the rain.  We then ate, cleaned, and got things ready to leave in the morning .

Fri. We drove to Jacksonville and visited some sojourners Bob and Lynn(top left picture below).  They had space on the side yard and wanted us to stay with them.  We had dinner, they showed us the house and how he fixed all the rooms, and played shanghai (which I won).

Sat. Lynn made a large breakfast for us then we drove to Beaufort SC. On the way we went over many bridges (top right two).  As you can see they have a big sea shipping ind.  The old town was neat and interesting the next five pictures is the Waterfront Park.

Picture below is downtown some stores(top right and left) a rocking bench that goes sideways(middle  top picture),  church, Synagogue, and Beaufort Arsenal.  The bottom pictures is the Beaufort National Cemetery.

There was many homes built from the 1700's. The top right house was used in Forest Gump movie.  In fact most of the scenes were filmed in this area. The bottom three pictures are the ones Linda likes the large Oak trees with there hanging limbs.

Sun.  After breakfast and bible study we went to a Visitors Center and got info on the things going on around here.  She said there was a little beach on the way to Edisto State Park.  About 4 miles before the park there was a road Botany Bay Plantation run by the Dept. of Natural Resources.  As we entered the park a Vol. gave us maps and a self guided tour.  They were both very helpful.  In the picture below you can see the drive we had through the park.  There was a lot of marsh land(bottom left picture).  When we were at the beach a flock of pelicans flew over I did not know they flew in formation like ducks(bottom two right pictures).

Here are some pictures of the beach area the pictures just don"t capture the unusual trees in the water from erosion.

The picture below is of one of the two areas where the plantation homes were.  Top right is a ice house and picture next to it is where they put the ice under the floor and it was insulated in saw dust. The house was also used as a carriage house, place to dry crops and storage.  The bottom left picture is the gardener shed. The concrete is the oyster shells burned and crushed with water and sand mixed in more oyster shells. Bottom right picture I am examining the walls.  The bottom middle picture is what is left of the other plantation home.  This one had a dance floor on the third floor.

Mon.  I thought this is spring!! 41 outside and 58 inside.  We put our heat on, ate and did our bible study then to Charleston.  This is a town that both of us thought we had seen.  After getting there we knew we were wrong.  Called the "Holy City" why we never found out why.  Top left picture is coming into town.  Next to it was one of the building making up the four corners of law. City Hall(oldest in the country), US post Office and Federal Court, County courthouse, and St Michael's Episcopal Church. The town had many stone streets, lots of gas lanterns still being used, and hidden gardens with Water statues.  The houses were short front side to the streets (they say they paid taxes by the width of the house to the streets an example is 2nd row 2nd picture the front door opens to a court yard and the front door is is the middle of the side of the house.) 3rd picture 2nd row is one of the house on rainbow row is a house that is narrow to the street and long on the sides.  2nd row right is a house with split steps and faces the street.

The top row is flowers Linda found in town. bottom 2nd picture is one of the many courtyards it seemed every house had one.  Bottom 2 pictures on the right is water Park with the green leaves just starting to come out and the pineapple fountain not far from the cruise port.

Top three picture is carriage house with top left is the stable, middle steps to get on the carriage and right Linda is on the step looking at the house. Middle left picture is cabbage row named for selling veg. on the building  is "Catfish Row" novel "Porgy" and opera "Porgy and Bess". The middle just an old car.  2nd row right a garage with a chimney above it. Bottom left is a house with boat post  in front.  It is four blocks from the sea at it's time the sea was at it's front door.  Bottom right 2 pictures is sea wall at the battery.

2nd top picture is where the first shot (April 12, 1861) that started the civil war. It shows the different forts locations. Top middle picture is one of the drinking fountain in White Point Gardens named for the large amount of oysters shells the covered the area. Top right is house with Tiffany glass wedding gift from parents sent them to Europe for two years while they completed it.  The bottom row of pictures is the Dock Street Theatre. On the third floor that had a ball room(right picture).

This picture is St. Phillips Episcopal Church the pipe organ which is still used every Sunday(middle and bottom left pictures) has horn pipes. Bottom right once a year in April for a week they have a tea party and we timed it right. What a great experience.  We had their specials okra soup and shrimp salad and their delicious desserts pecan and key lime pies. What you do not see is the bells were melted down in the civil war to make cannons. Not replaced until July 4, 1976.

Across the street is the Huguenot Church top left 2 pictures. 3rd picture top is the Carriage Inn which is believed to be haunted.  In fact they have many place that are haunted even a night tour of them. The rest of the pictures is the Angel Oak Tree.  Named after a couple who owned the land named Angel.  The tree is not as tall as some oaks but is able to withstand the winds from the coast. As the tree ages the heavy limps lay on the ground.

The last picture for today is the American Only Tea Garden.  Charleston Tea Plantation which makes the American Classic Tea. We took a trolly ride and saw the tea plants both new and the ones they harvest the leaves from.  Middle left is one that had flowered they also seed but they do not use them they graft them. Middle 3 right some of the tractors they made from cotton equipment to harvest tea.  The bottom three pictures is how long the tea is dried black tea 50 min. oolong tea 15 min. and green tea no min.  All teas are from the Camellia Sinensis and Chinese tea plant.  Tea need humidity, right amount of water and sun.  The low country of SC is just right for it. Bottom right is Waddy the mascot with his cup of tea and me.  We got home early both tired but did play a game of cards and had dinner then started on the blog.  As you may see this is another of our favorite areas.

Tues.  We cleaned and did laundry before leaving for Columbia.

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