Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Alvarez-CFBC-Leaving Camp

Thur. We got up this morning and Linda made cinnamon rolls.  We went swimming came back for a late lunch.  We went and made smore's and played shuffle board.  We went to the beach to watch the sunset.  Dad had dinner ready for us when we got home then we watched half of  "Sound of Music".

Fri.  LiliMarie made cowboy coffee cake then the kids went swimming.  One of their friends they met here is leaving today.  We came home and watched the rest of "Sound of Music".  After lunch we played cards.  Shannon and the kids went to the beach.  When they got home we had dessert and played our last game of cards.

Sat.  When we got up Shannon and the kids packed the car and we all left for Skidder's.  Bottom right picture you see Diego with his waffle banana split.  You see the ice cream part and his waffle is on the other side of it.  Xander got pancakes which they have Micky Mouse ears.  (The top picture is one of the mornings just the adults went out to breakfast).  After breakfast Shannon and the kids left for home in NC, while Linda, Dad and I went to Dad's.  Linda did laundry and the two of us cleaned.  The three of us played pegs and jokers before lunch and each won a game.  We went back to Skidder's for hamburgers and fries.  When we got home we played our last game of pegs and jokers and Dad and I won.  We taped a movie Dad wanted then left for CFBC.  We got back to the rig early so we put everything away then bed..

Sun.  After Church we took one of the sojourner couples out to lunch.  They watched our rig everytime we went somewhere.  We tried to get our plans for where we are going to go when we leave here.  We went back to church and said good bye to some of the friends we have met.  When we got home we had our ice cream, played 7 up(a card game), and watched TV.

Mon. I washed the rig and the car.  Linda worked on the inside.  We said good-bye to one of the sojourners who left for In. today.  We are the only one left at the camp.

Tues.  We got things ready and I think we are getting used to how to do everything.  It went smoothly and quickly.  We have a 50 amp spot in 1000 Trails.  We planed our next two weeks and found all of the campground open that we want to go to.  We played Skip-Bo and got ready for church and on the way talked to Shannon to find it was Tues. not Wed!!!  We came home and went for a walk and the evenings here are still cool.

Wed. Linda got up and made waffles Yum Yum. We went on a bike ride and saw some of the turtles that are burrowing in the sand.  Then paid some bills and left to shop and go to church.

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