Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Clarksville Tn

Thur. The girls made us waffles this morning. It was a rainy morning and that made it lazy.  We got our laundry done. We drove Mackenzie to a B-day party then went shopping and to Jen's. I got my boards for the new water filter cut. We then went to Mackenzie ball game.  She struck out 8 batters in 4 innings and got a hit that scored two runs.  There team won 3 to 0.

     Fri. We drove to Clarksville RV. this morning as we got there it started to rain. After we got set up we drove to Panera's & met Shannon, Lilimarie, Diego, and Xander. We went to LiliMarie's new middle school then back to Shannon's place.  After dinner we walked downtown had a shake at Sonic then walked the new riverwalk. 

    Sat. Al and Shannon had a free meal at Cheddar's while they were away I start feeling bad when they got home Linda took me to the emergency room where they found a bladder infection.  They said I needed to take some pills for a couple of weeks.  We went back to Shannon's where I slept all day and Linda played cards with everyone.
    Sun. We drove to Nashville to go to Funky Griddle.  Everyone had a great time cooking their own pancakes.

In the afternoon Al and Shannon took us to the shooting range as you can see everyone can shoot pretty good. The Kids spent the night with us.  Before bed we watched "RV".

    Monday We got up and drove to Eureka campground in Land between the Lakes.  We went shopping went swimming had dinner then made smores on the camp fire. We then watched Ramona and Beesus and had popcorn.

Tues. We had breakfast then went on a bike  ride called the garbage run. We had a craft to build a boat.  In the afternoon we went swimming, raced the boats, and played baseball.  We made hobo's for dinner and watched "What About Bob"

     Wed. After Lilimarie and Linda made us pancakes we drove down the Trace in the land between the lakes. We went to the Elk and Bison Prairie.  We saw the herd of bison and only two elk. As we traveled we stopped to skip rocks.  At the Golden Pond Visitor Center and Planetarium we experenced the Imax  the stars, moon, and sun. When we got back we swam and played the same games (freeze tag, gang tag, and marco polo). After dinner we watched "Brave".

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