Wednesday, June 19, 2013


     Thur.  Today was the day we clean our gray and black tanks.  We are having problems with them closing.  We got on and called Heartland. We lubricated the cable ends and that helped.  While I was waiting for answers I put together the box for the new water filter.  We  took a bike ride and a long walk. We played sequence and I have won 3 of 4 nights so far.

 Fri. we drove over several counties looking at the covered bridges and the towns. There are 39 covered bridges and one iron bridge in Parke county.

 We are in Rockville In. the top picture is the  capital, the middle picture is the Jailhouse Cafe (we had coffee and a large choc. pecan piece of fudge) and the bottom the famous G&M Variety Store.

 One of the many farms we past.
    The next three pictures are of the Bridgeton Mill.   The mill has been refurbished the owners told us alot about the mill and the changes they made over the years to make it look as it did in the 1800's. The people there also redid the waterfall in front of the rebuilt Bridgeton covered bridge that  vandals burned down a few years ago. They still mill many flours today we bought 2 of them.

 We had dinner at the Collom's General Store(below) where they have live music on Fri nights.

We saw 8 bridges we put them in a college.
     Sat. we were just to relax but as we were looking at our calendar we noticed we were to be in Goshen on Mon. not Tues.  It has been a rainy day so when it stopped I put the bikes up on the ladder and got the 5th wheel ready to go.
     Sun.We got up and went into Terre Haute and met Miki Weaver at church.  We were to go out to eat but Miki had prepared us a Lasagna, green beans, cole slaw and choc. surprise for desert it was a  wonderful lunch.  We also sat and talked and got caught up on each other. I'm very disappointed we didn't take a picture. I We went to Starbucks on the way home for they do not have one in Goshen.  When we got home we did the laundry and got prepared to leave tomorrow.
      Mon. We drove to Goshen In. for a Heartland Rally. The trip was good but we did go thru some fog. Along the way we saw the windmills.  As we got to the rally we got our rig weighed and the trailer axles checked.  We got with our Tn. chapter and met alot of nice folks. 

Tues. Our first day of the rally. They have 45 min. to 90 min. classes. All of the classes were interesting and we learned alot.  After the classes were over we went to get the results of the weighing of the rig.  We are still over weight where the truck and trailer hook together. We might get our weight down by going through our clothes again, putting more weight in the rear of the rig, and getting rid of the generator that we are not using.
We had a pot luck desert for all the 500+ campers.

Wed. Wed. was a half day so we talked to alot of folks about our overweight problem and the brake job we had done in Jackson Ms. That night our local (tn.) group had a pot luck.  It was nice to get to meet and talk to  the folks we have been e-mailing.

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