Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Heartland Rally HEART ATTACK

Thur. Today we ate breakfast at home they had donuts but we were both full of sweets. At nine we met the Lippert mech. and they took some fluid out of the hydraulic reservoirs and put in 2 qt. of thicker hydraulic fluid so the unit will not crackle anymore.We talked to Rob Reid who we bought our unit from last year to look at  a smaller rig.  He didn't have any in stock so we went to Heartland to look at it.  It was nice but we still don't know if it would help our overweight axle.  We went to a pot luck dinner at the rally which they had entertainment " Hypnosis Comedy Stage Show"
Fri. and Sat. was the ending of the show. We had a meal and entertainment each night a DJ music 50 - 70's and Sat the Goldwing Express.  They had a great show the three brothers were Indians and their dad who was white. Sat was the only day we toured we went to Das Dutchman Essenhaus in Middleberry, Rise'n Roll bakery (they had samples we bought 3 bags of stuff), Guggisberg a cheese factory, and Yoder's Meat and Cheese in Shipshewana.. We came home with enough pastries,sweets cheese and frozen meats to last us all summer!!!
  if you notice the road repayment because the horses wear down a path.

Sun. We drove to Fort Wayne In. staying at the Johnny Appleseed Campground. After we got set up we went to the Foellinger Freimann Botanical Conservatory. They we're having a "Butterflies with an African Beat" special exhibit .When we left there we drove past Firefighters Museum and Allen county Courthouse (both were closed). Then we drove to Johnny (Chapman) Appleseed grave sight.

Mon. we went on a 7 mile bike ride.  We went to Historic Fort Wayne.  It to was closed but we did get some great pictures.  Along the way we saw many sculpture

Well where to begin.... Monday we were biking about 5-7 miles when on way home he complained of chest pain..we stopped biking under dads protesting and waited about 1/2 hourbecuz it was very hot we then biked rest of way home.  He said he was fine. Then Tues we got up and moved to Wilmington  Ohio where they did not have sewer avail.. They told us someone was leaving this morning so dad got up early found the site & we hitched again to new site with sewer..that was about8:30..He started to feel "quer" then but of course didn't, tell me.  He then lifted some of his tools rearranged them. That's a story in itself.. He came in and started making coffee and then said I'm feeling bad. My chest hurts and I'm dizzy and sweating. He laid down no better gave him 2 baby aspirin called 911. Interesting cuz they said ok well send ambulance. Didn't offer to stay on line. Thought that interesting. Called ranger to tell them let unit in. They sent her husband who is retired paramedic.. He said its all volunteers who respond but they get here fairly fast which they to hospital  I had to follow. At first they said becuz of 2 episodes in 2 days he needed to be admitted for stress test but we needed to wait for labs.. He came back with bad news and told us he had heart attack. Prob on Monday or before becuz it takes at least day before labs would be he said needed to be transferred to heart hospital in Cincinnati about hour away.. First he said they were going to do direct admit then came back in said no he's going direct to cath lab..then I got stressed!!! Had to get diesel & drive here..I made it though only becuz I felt everyone's prayers....then it only can happen to me they have a parking garage. So pulled up to garage for it to say. Height6' behind me. It looked like a tight fit but crying had to go through. Made it with antennae going around me. I'm panicking but saw a 2door truck.  So better confidence started to go further up with antennae hitting. Stopping getting out only to see my roof almost touching. Kept going no spots available. Went as far as it took me to a dead end,,,now I can't turn around!,,,,!!! Saw a guy driving a truck. Flagged him down so he was great parked his truck eligally and was backing my truck when a hospital valet person was walking now he took over driving..he said oh no usually these big trucks go in a different dropped me off and parked it they now have my keys and when he dropped me off some gentleman was streaming out loud at another valet parking guy. Saying I'm reporting u for driving recklessly and then tailgating me!!! Just what I needed to here.. Lord knows where and how my precious truck is doing......get here same time Jim did apparently becuz they couldn't fine him. But about 5 min they escorted me to him..contrary to what was told me by other hospital. He was admitted to the floor.he is at The Christ Hospital . Room6021-2. Doc came in and he's on schedule for heart cath tomorrow at3:30..Long day. He suspects prob.something becuz of elevated enzymes but to what degree he won't know till after cath.  He said may be nothing which we have millions praying. Or maybe even able to fix with angioplasty when doing cath or if not well talk after with future plans.. He did put dad at ease. So thank u for all prayer and keep them coming. Love Dad and mom 
Thur. While we were waiting for the surgery we took a nap when we woke Jenny was sitting in the chair a the end of the bed.  Also some friends we met two weeks ago drove to Cin. to sit with Linda durning the procedure. They did find a tear in my left artery and  were able to put 2 stents in it to repair it.  There was no damage done to the heart. I was able to come home Fri. I now have meds to take in the morning and night and will be resting till I go to the Dr. in two weeks. 

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