Wednesday, August 7, 2013

3&4 week N.C.

Wed. night we were invited to the Bible Camp in S.C. It is one that is a Sojourn in May.  This is the water fall that leads into the lake they have.
We stopped by this large rock on our climb in Caesars Head State Park. It had great views. Below is one of the water falls along the road.

Above is the way to Caesars Head below is Caesars Head. 

This was a 2.2 mile walk to Raven Cliff Falls.  When we started out we thought it was round trip. For what we saw we were not to excited about.

  This is called "Pretty Place" where many weddings
 are taken place.  It had great views and was very  peaceful.
We went to a blackberry patch and ate and ate we even brought some home where Linda made some bars.

 The next four pictures are of Hendersonville N.C. We went to the team ECCO Ocean Center and Aquarium. They also had a car show and concert with "The Crew".  If you look in  the RV you will see a bath tub.

 We went to see Heather (Sandy's daughter) & Al (Heather's fiancee). They have a large garden behind us, some goats and chickens.  They made some goat cheese and gave us some of their chicken eggs.

 The next four picture is our trip on the Blue Ridge Pkwy. We drove up to Pisgah Mt. and ate at the Pisgah Inn

 On the way home we stopped by the French Broad Chocolates and got "wired" for the evening!!!They had a liquid truffle which Linda only gave me one taste!! I had a choc.truffle cake that was great.
We were invited to Duncan and Linda's for pizza. Duncan sister, her husband,their father, two of their daughters and one of their husbands.
Above we went back to DuPont State Rec. Forest and walked about 7 miles as we went to see the falls.  If that was not enough walking we walked another 7 miles going to the North Carolina Arboretum.  We grouped and did several collages.

                Above are some of the mushrooms that grow along the path and below some of the flowers.

                           Above were some of the Bonsai Collection and below some mis. pictures
Below is some paintings that are done by artist using leaves,sticks and various flowers that they pound on the paper and it leaves color imprints. Some leave textures.. The middle one is a quilt that she did leaves which she pounded in leaving the outline and then it was sewn. Hard to explain but awesome if you could see them close up. Its called "papermaking"

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