Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cumming Ga; Josh/Ashley wedding, Linda turns 60, Clarksville Tn.

 We traveled to Cumming Ga.Bald Ridge Creek COE. Thur.  Betty, Fred, Mike, Pam, Carol, Mary, Josh, Ashley, Amanda, Dusty, and Heidi came over for pizza, smor's and a  campfire.  On Fri we helped with the setting up for the wedding.  Left for Hampton Inn for the weekend. When we got there we meet Diane, Ron, Michelle, Jeff, Jack, Alex, Trisha, Dan, and Brynn. Later that night we picked up Tammy at the airport.  When we got back Jennifer, Chris,Mackenzie Katie, and Hue (their foreign exchange student) were there. Sat. John, Al, Shannon, Lilimarie, Diego,and Xander stayed at another hotel. We took the kids for a  swim while Al and Shannon went out for there 11th anniversary. The Wedding was great even with the rain. On Sunday we went to Carol,s for Linda's 60th.

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