Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our Last Week in N.C.

 We watched our last concert here called "The Flying Saucers".  We met Heather, Al, Bob, and Ramona at 12 bones (a famous rib place). After lunch went to a shopping center and had appetizers. While we were there a band from "The Salvation Army" came and played at the square in front of the restaurant. The drum section played first then the band.  It started to rain and did't let up till 10 min. after they were done.

After church we went to Joe's Bagel and had lunch. We got our hair cut and listen to "Joey & Brian Gurl" (picture below)that night at the club house. They played 30 thru 80 songs and did some skits with the audiance
 After the hotel we rode along the lake then went to look at motor homes.
The next four pictures are of

Harry's Grill & Piggy's Ice Cream  

They have large ice cream portions.

We are leaving tomorrow so we took time to get some apples which the orchards are just starting to open.
OOPS ! No pictures of the apple donuts they seem to disappear quickly!!!!.

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