Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clarksville Tn.

 Lilimarie has karate on Wed. (above). Diego has a sugarbabie and the family got one also.  They are so small they fit into you pocket.  Below Linda and I are leaving Lilimarie's school after lunch.  The night before she had a open house.

 The kids came and spent the week-end with us. Here Lilimarie is fixing waffles for breakfast. Below the boys found a frog, Diego had football practice, Linda and LiliMarie played cards at the pool while Xander, Diego, and I went for a swim.

     We had Lilimarie stay with us Sun. night for she was sick. She slept most of the morning.  We took her home and went and had lunch at Diego's school.  Linda made fish for dinner Yum Yum.

     What a great day we are having on Tues. The Alvarez family got Linda gift cert. for her 60th at three different places.  We had breakfast at Starbucks then to a hour massage ( was jealous so I got one two). The plan was to go to Panera's for lunch but we were both sooooo relaxed we went home for a nap. LiliMarie spent the night again for she is still sick.
     Wed. was pizza day at Xander's school so we joined him.

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