Sunday, March 16, 2014

Second Week at Mobile Christian School

Thur. We had our devo afterward Linda went to paint and I went to the dump to get rid of the carpet.  We pick-up a ditch witch and dug about 200 feet to run a elec. line.  We glued all the pipe and ran a string in it so Mon. they can run the elec. wires.  I then filled all the dirt back into the holes. That night we went back to church for a meeting about dyslexia.  Both of us learned alot and were surprised that so many children have it and do not get tested.
  Fri. we got up and drove with Charles and Janice to Gulf Breeze, Fl.  We went to Fort Pickens a fort from Civil War, WW1 and WW2.
 After driving around the area we ate at Peg Leg Pete's we both had grouper sandwich and it was delicious.  We then drove to Gulf Shore Al.  All of the area on our drive was interesting.
Sat. We got up and went with a Charles and Janice to eat breakfast. After lunch we drove to downtown Mobile.  We were surprised to find a St Patrick,s Parade going on. It was a rainy day and not many people came for the amount of things they threw to people (beads, stuff animals, moon pies, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, and more).
Picture below is the Battle House Hotel 1908.  There was a period of 30 years it was empty luckily the Tiffany glass was not damaged.  It is a beautiful Hotel and I would have loved to see it in it's glory days.
Picture below is redone Fort Conde.   The original fort was taken apart after it was found that it didn't serve a purpose any more and was using good land.  They found the original foundation when the were digging the tunnel under the bay.
Picture below is the Spanish Plaza where they had many tiled benches, water fountain and some stautes here is one of  Hernando De Soto.
Picture below top left corner is the A&M Peanut Shop top right four pictures is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. 3rd row first two some of the multi. colored houses next two the skyscrapers with and without fog.  Bottom row some pictures we took going around town.
Mobile is not different from anywhere else it has oyster shells painted and placed all over town.picture below
Mon. I led the devo and told about St Patrick's day. Handed out beads after I told them how it all got started. Then thru Thur. we worked on different projects at the school. Below is the finished room.

                               Below is the concrete we pored and the fence we built around the dumsters.
  This was one of Linda's paint projects they took down the images and painted repainted them and the wall.

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