Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sojourn in Mobile Al.

Thur. we drove to Mobile Al. We got to the church early and got set up.  We had a nice visit with everyone and played cards with Charles and Janice. We each one a game. Fri. we worked on the rig a little and got the phone to work with the Internet.  After many calls to Verizon I found that I did not have the Internet button on. All it did was mess up Linda's phone. Sat we got up early to go to Panera's so we could download the latest for the phone.  It was over 1 1/2hours into the update program when we got kicked off for the lunch group! So we need to fine an internet that we will be at for five hours!!  We went over to the other church that the sojourners are staying at and played cards.  Sun. after church we went to a BBQ place for lunch.  We came home rested then back to church.  Mon. we meet at Mobile Christian School.  We have many things to do there as a group.  Here is the old church building that we are making into a multi. purpose room.

We took out the pews and took them to storage 1/2 hour away.  We can only get three pews into the trailer at a time.  It took two days to get them all over there.  After we ate dinner we played cards and the girls won big the last hand. Tues. as I said I helped move the pews and Linda spent her second day painting in the gym. Wed. Linda painted some more at the gym and I patched all the hole in the new multi purpose room.  We went to one of the churches Wed. night meals then to mid week service.

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