Wednesday, November 12, 2014

2nd Week Jamestown Ky.

Tues. We traveled to  Cumberland Falls (often called Niagara of the South) and ate at the Dupont Lodge.  We enjoyed a lunch buffet (top left) and the fire place (top 2nd picture).   We walked from the lodge down to the falls (top 3rd picture)65 feet tall and 125 to 300 feet wide.  I walked back up and got the truck and we went for a walk to Eagle Falls only to find the path blocked by trees after we were almost there.  So we turned around and walked back to the truck back to the Lodge for  banana pudding (bottom left)that there famous for. It has a meringue on top served warm!  That was our dinner,don't tell our kids!. We drove around and saw the tennis courts, stables, campground, pool, and other areas of the park.  Then after 6:30 we were back to the falls because this falls and one other in the world have a moonbow.  It is white and like a rainbow it only comes certain times with a full moon.. We saw it just before 7 as the clouds broke and the moon shown through the trees.  I tried to get pictures of it but it did not work.  The camera did capture the falls (bottom 3rd picture).  The bottom 2nd picture is a marina on the way home you can see that it was very foggy. Bottom right is after a long day my young bride makes us the BEST home made pizza.
Wed.  On our Tues. we read our e-mail from Vanderbilt Hospital  Dr. Zik office.   They said they had a opening for us on today at 9 A.M.  So we got up this morning at 4:30 and drove to Nashville Tn. We got there early enough to eat at Panera's.  I got a cin. roll for birthday from them.  We got into the office and they only found a few spots (10) after they froze them we met Jen for lunch at Calypso Cafe.  Then we drove home and both of us crashed watching the Today Show on the internet. It rained the entire time.

Thur. We got up and went to work.  We did all of the things that we do in the morning.  THEN we got to feed the three snakes.  As you can see they were very active before and after we fed them (top left). Top middle Linda feeding the mice embryo. Top rt. and middle left is after the snakes took the food.  Later that day the rainbow and brown trout eggs came in(middle 2nd row) 2nd. row right they place the eggs in water.  3rd row left they put iodine in the eggs. 3rd row middle putting the eggs back into the water. 3rd row right they analyze 100 eggs. Bottom left after measuring the eggs they put them in water that is constantly moving them in a circular motion. The last two pictures is the containers the eggs went into middle over 110,000 brown trout and right is 50,000 rainbow trout. there is two containers for each type of fish.
 Fri. We went up to the center for they got together and had a breakfast for us (top left).  They gave us our papers for volunteering and a pin. After getting our fill we rolled out to the fishery and helped feed the fish then to see the eggs.  They say they shipped the eggs late and they were starting to hatch already (top 2nd picture).  We then drove to Somerset 3rd top the fountain in the middle of town and 4th rt the town square clock.  At the library they had a children's garden (2nd left). We stopped at Haney's Appledale Farm to get some apples and of course fresh Fried Apple Pie! We drove to Nancy Ky. to the visitor center of Mill Spring Battlefield.  We watch a video of the battle then went through the museum (2nd row 2nd picture to 3rd row left picture).  One of the volunteers walked us around and told us about the battle and the displays they had there.  He told us how they were trying to get it to be a national park.  When we left there we were hungry so we went to Lee's Ford Marina (3rd row 2nd picture). We ate at the Harbor Restaurant & Tavern they have been in the Southern Living mag. Famous for grouper fingers. They were awesome.  We left there went to Sano Meats and got frozen vapor pac meat. Then to the Union cemetery (3rd row 3rd picture). Down the street was the battle field (3rd row rt.).  Also the Confederate mass grave where over 100 men are buried (bottom left).  2nd picture is the stones with the names of the men. 3rd picture is down the street about a mile the Confederate field hospital. The last picture is our welcome back by the deers at the center.
Sat. We stayed around the rig getting it ready for our leave Thur. We did venture out to a coffee shop and had ice cream and coffee.  We had to go to the store for we ran out of coffee for our coffee pot in the mornings.

Sun. We went to church then on our way home we wengt to Lake Cumberland State Resort Park. Top left is a overlook on the way to the resort. The next 3 are of the view from our table at the buffet. On the way out we saw the marina 2nd middle picture. We left the park and stopped by a boat loading ramp the picture does not show how steep the ramp is. 3rd row left is from the boat ramp parking lot.  After we got home we went on a walk 2nd middle is the water release at the hatchery. We saw two deers on our walk they did not seem to be bothered that we were just feet from them. The bottom three pictures is the back side of the dam.
Mon. Back to work we go.  The top picture is us with our certificates for volunteering at the Hatchery. The bottom two pictures is out our side window this morning with the fog.
Tues. we got up for our last day of volunteering.  We thought it would be a busy day being it was Veteran's day.  We only had 25 folks show up.  We had two more couples come to volunteer at the center and both of them came to shadow us today. We went out to dinner with the couple that came the same time we did.  We had a wonderful dinner and the coconut pie was the best.

Wed. We got some of the things done around the house, did laundry, and said goodbye to the folks at the center. Just in time for the cold winter week our heater broke in the rig hope to get it fixed in Fla. After church we got gas and came home.

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