Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ky. to Fla. then Tn.

Thur.  Just when we think we have a plan it changes.  2 mornings ago we woke up with the gas heater not working I turned everything off and it started to work.  Yesterday it happen again and this time it did not start working.  So when we woke up and found Nashville was not going to get any warm weather.  So this morning we are leaving for Fla.  We had a wonderful trip.  Held up in Atlanta for about 20 min. but did make it to exit 222 south of Atlanta.

Fri.  We got up and drove to Eustis Fl.  Got here early enough to find they were going to have a chicken dinner at the school and a sing along afterwards.  We were so happy not to cook and were able to meet up with 3 sojourn couples. When we got home we were exhausted.

Sat.  We got up did our bible study, got things pack and went to the post office to mail a package. Then we drove to Tam's to pick up Hope and go to Brendan's ball game.  They won and will have there next play-off game Tues. at the same time Bryce has his.  After the game we went to Tam's where Tam and Linda talked at the back porch and all the guys and Hope played wiffle ball.  On our way home we stopped by Starbucks for there bogo then to Walmart for gas and exhaust fluid.  We got home filled the exhaust fluid, got the car packed, got caught up on some paper work then shower and bed.
Sun. We got up and drove to Jen's (what a long  trip).  Chris had dinner ready for us afterward we went to church.

Mon.We got up and found snow outside.  Linda went outside and sat on the bench (bottom left). We had breakfast and did our bible study before we went shopping.  After dinner we went to Katie's basketball practice. Chris is the head coach and Mackenzie is the manager.
Tues.  We had bad news that the William's pastor past away after a long bout with cancer.  Jen picked up the girls and we all went out to Egg and I.  The staff knew David and went out and got a card for us and they all signed it.  We ate then did a bible study before the girls went back to school.  We came home and tried to get the broiler to work on the oven.  After trying many things we just cleaned it and called it a day.  We got a new thermostat for the house and Jen's headlight working.  Chris made pot roast for dinner in the crockpot.  Yum Yum.  We played games with the kids after dinner.

Wed. Another cold night in the teens. We got up and left for the 100 oaks mall where Vanderbilt Hospital has offices.  I got my blood drawn then we had breakfast at the breakfast place there.  We then met with our financial person Luke.  Came back to Hendersonville for hair cuts and banking.  Linda and Katie made Shepard's pie for dinner (picture below).  We went to church and hurried home for it was cold again.

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