Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Tn. to Fl Dad selling house buying Condo

Thur. After a relaxing day we got great news on my blood test.  All of my counts are good even the cholesterol.  When Chris got home I helped him finish one of his lawn jobs.  We had dinner and the wonderful apple cake desert Linda and Katie made yesterday.  Linda and Jen played spades with Chris and me (we won)

Fri. We drove to my heart Doctors and he was very pleased with my health.  He is letting me stop lipitor.  Now the only thing I am taking is vitamins and baby aspirin (Yea).  We got home then went to their Pastor David's funeral.  We went to Subway for dinner and then some of the apple cake they made.

Sat. We went to Mackenzie tournament. Below she is pitching, hitting, we were cold, and in between games we played cards. Kari and Addy joined us.  During the second game the ball hit her thumb and bent the finger nail back. They played three games.
                              After the game we had pizza and the girls made gingerman cookies.
and decorated them.

Sun. We got up and drove to our rig, showered ,church, then drove to my dad's.  Some 900 miles with the majority of it pouring rain.                                         

Mon. Breakfast at Skidder's, then packing, then at closing we found out the bank was not ready. We did all the paper work that we could selling his home and buying his new codo. 

Tues. We started  moving his 54 boxes that he had packed.  We packed about 12 more and it only took two trips.  We were all exhausted.   Dad had taped some movies from Hallmark so we watched them.

Wed. Up early went to Skidder's then moving day.  The movers got things packed and moved by two.  What a blessing. Dad's house empty see picture below. A call from his realtor saying the paper work is done put the money will not be ready till Monday.
                                                            This is dad's new codo below.

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