Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our last week of sojourns

Thur. I helped put the frame work on the porch at the kitchen.  After our showers we went to watch Hope cheer at a middle school basketball game. We got home in time to lose at peg and jokers. We also did two loads of laundry.
Fri.  After breakfast we drove to Apple Store for two computer classes.  We went shopping and had our hair cut.  We came home had dinner then played cards.

Sat. We went and watched Bryce's basketball game and Brendan's football game.  As we were droving there we noticed that the engine light was on.  We were lucky to get a dealer to look at it Mon.  After lunch at Tam's we went shopping for three closet doors and new electric switch.  Kenn was taking the concrete form the front door area.  I painted all the primed doors white.  
Sun.  We went to church then out to lunch.  After lunch we took the truck to the dealership. After a 
short afternoon some friends took us to church.  

Mon.  We got a call saying the truck had something wrong with the exhaust again.  We had them fix it and at lunch Lloyd took me to pick up the truck.  On the way home we got some boards so we could complete the roof ready for the tin roof.  After dinner we played more cards with Lloyd and Dottie.

Tues. After our devo Lloyd and I went to get the material for under the roof on the patio. We got 24 pieces of soffit.  As we put it up we were three inches overlap if we cut the soffit in half.  At the bottom we were one inch short of a overlap.  I will cut them so all have an inch overlap.  After our shower we had a banquet together.  Prime rib and veg. for desert creampuffs.  We then played cards.

Wed. Today we got all the soffit done and the roof ready for the tin roof tomorrow. We got done early so we left went to get Linda's glasses reorded. Then to Lazy Days to look at motorhomes. We got to Dad's around eight. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sojourn, RV show,Hope's Baptizm

Thur.  Our first week is done two more to go. Today I finished the block laying they had for me to do because they ran out of blocks. Then I did a lot of small thing like fix doors, put on new locks, and fix a toilet.

Fri. We got up early and drove to the Tampa RV show.  We found a gas and diesel rig we liked.  After talking to folks we are going back to looking at a diesel rig on Sunday.  A new type Bentley by Nexus.  They are made in Elkhart In.  That's where our 5th wheel was made.
Sat. I started to wash the truck when the Foster's who just got to the camp asked us to go to lunch. We went to a fish restaurant.  I washed the truck after we got back. We played hand and foot with two other couples.

Sun. We went to church then to a bar-b-q place for lunch with the King's who also just arrived.  We then went shopping  and drove to Tam's.  Brendan knew we would not be together for a Super bowl party so he wanted to have pre Super bowl party for the four last teams. Linda and Hope did a lot of baking and cooking. I played basketball and football with the boys. We then ate and watched the games. Just before we left Kenn tried to get the wax out of my ear to help get rid of the dizzy feeling I have been having.

 Mon. I got up this morning for the fifth day I was dizzy. I was able to finish the brick bed I was building. Linda then took me to the Hospital. They think it is my sinuses so they gave me three pills to take.

Tues. I got up and was dizzy and off balance. We had coffee cake and I went back to bed. I got up and got sick. So back to bed then up for lunch (dry toast). I felt better so I sat in my easy chair for the afternoon.

Wed.  I started to feel better this morning.  We went to the Dr.'s office this afternoon.  He said that I had BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO.  After we left the Dr.s we went to Hope's church where she was baptized tonight.  It was so great to see another one of our grandchildren come to the Lord.  We then went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sojourn and Niebrugge's

Thur. What a great day to relax and do nothing.

Fri. In the afternoon we had a computer class then to Tam's for turkey chili (below the girls cooking). We played cards with the kids (as you can see with Linda below it is cold). When we got home we did two loads of laundry and watched a movie.

Sat. We got up early(46 degrees!) to meet the Niebrugge's at a cross country meet the boys were in(top 3 pictures).We all left there to go to Bryce's basketball game (top rt. picture). We left there and ate at Jason deli and did a little shopping then everyone came to our place. we played two different ball games (middle left 2 pictures). We all played frisby golf (middle 3rd picture) played on the ropes (middle rt. and bottom left).  From there we went on the small zip line.  We came home ate then they went home.
 Sun. We went to church, Walmart, home for lunch then to our sojourn meeting at 3:00.  We had a celebration one of the couples were married 50 years today. Back to church then home.

Mon. We started our sojourn at Central Florida bible Camp.  Four of us are working on replacing the porch on the south side of the cafeteria.  Linda is working with the ladies in cleaning the cabins and curtains.  After dinner we played hand and foot.

Tues.  The guys got the porch completely down.  Then I went and started to build a flower box out of bricks.
Wed. We both had another great day at camp.  I got all but 13 blocks up (ran out of masonry).  Linda did more cleaning.  We are studying Genius at church (very interesting).

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year 2015 and our 200th blog

Wed. We had breakfast and a bible study.  Then left for Tam's New Years Eve party. Once we got there Brendan showed us how he learned to ride a bike.  Then we all biked about 4 miles to Subway.  When we got home we played basketball and enjoyed being outside.  Toward midnight the kids did some fireworks.  We had corn chowder and cream-de-mint pie for dessert. Everyone stayed up and welcomed the new year.  After the kids went to bed we watched the neighbors fire works till about one.
 Thur.  We got up and had monkey bread for breakfast.( they rose a little to much but tasted delicious)  For lunch Linda made ham split pea  and chicken noodle soup.  For desert we had cream de mint pie and jello salad.  We then went to the Apple Store for a lesson on our new computer.
Fri. The Niebrugge's took us to the Holy Land Experience.  Top left we stopped at Krispy Kreme for fresh HOT donuts then to the park.  They have displays outside (top 2nd picture) and in (top 3rd picture).  They did many performances (top right) Sermon on the Mount. They had a display of a miniature Jerusalem and a person to point out what was in the city. They had a children section where Hope climbed a rock wall (2nd row right)and the boys  hammered to ring a bell (bottom left) They threw bean bags (2nd bottom picture).  We were able to take many family pictures (bottom 3rd picture). Bottom right we went to the displays at night.  We were so happy that we finally visit the park.  It was a long day put we enjoyed it thoroughly. We went out to Zaxby for dinner then spent the night at Tam's  
Sat. We got  up early and left for Fort Myers. We drove to Ted and Linda Hansen home.  They were working in the garden so we joined them.  We picked tomatoes, carrots, cilantro, hot peppers, and more(top right 2 pictures).  When the girls got home they made salsa.  We went and visited Jim and Lana and both of us went on a ride on his new bike(top left).  We went to Brandon's to watch the kids and play cards.  After the girls beat us in two games we went back to the Hansen's and enjoyed the camp fire(bottom two pictures).  
Sun. We went to church and had a great sermon and lesson from Randy and was able to visit  all our friends. Then we went out to dinner with Ten and Linda. Then met Mike,Pam,Ted,and Sue for a brief moment. Had a nap before going to Justin, Brandi, and Cameron's for dinner.
 Mon. We spent the day with Mike.  Pam's dad came over and put trim in the dinning room. We went to Jason's deli for lunch with Mike, Victoria, and Pam's dad.  We then went and got flowers at Michael's for Brighton.  Bottom right Linda is arranging the flowers they looked great.  
Tues. We drove to the Apple store for one on one to learn about how to do pictures on the new computer.  Had lunch at Panara's then back to Apple for a group lesson.  We then went to the Germaine's arena and met Lizzy family, Clint and his girls, Jim, Lana and Grace.  We watched Grace, Haley, and Taylor skate.  We all left there and went to Panara's for dinner.  when we got home Mike was using a red light and playing with the cat.  Pam was working on her glass cutting.
Wed. We went to Linda's Doc appt then went to another computer class in Orlando and back home.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas 2014 in S.C,

Wed. This morning all got up to say good-buy to the Williams and Niebruggie,s.  They both left early expecting a lot of traffic but got home with no problems. Top left picture LiliMarie and Linda got meals ready for Christmas eve and Christmas. For lunch we went to Cook Out.  They have hot dogs hamburgers shakes.  I had a hamburger and shared a shake with peanut butter--banana--caramel--peanut butter fudge --walnut--fudge--Oreo--chocolate chip mint--Reese cup--M&M's (the shake was only 2.69). Xander was in a play at their church that night (next three pictures).  He was Joesph and did a wonderful job.  After there skit we sang and had a devo.  We went home and had left over chowder and Al made a sweet potato pie. They open a gift from my dad and played a couple game of  5 Second Rule.  It was a fun game you get topics and have 5 seconds to say three.  I did not get any of them.
 Thur. Christmas Day. Shannon read the Christmas story out of the bible (top left the kids listening)  We opened gifts one by one and Linda and I were first (top middle).  The kids had a few family gifts which they opened together. (top right).  2nd row left LiliMarie is opening her computer.  After the gifts we had our cinnamon rolls which the kids made the night before (2nd row middle).  After breakfast we relaxed and the kids enjoyed their gifts (2nd row right).  3rd row left picture we played keep away with their new glow in the dark ball and we jumped rope (3rd row middle). 3rd row right we had our Christmas dinner with Linda's cream de mint pie for dessert. Bottom left the kids FaceTimed my dad and opened another gift from him, Quelf. We played the game and you have to do what the card tells you (bottom middle) I had to wrap my face with toilet paper to look like a mummy and Linda (bottom right) had to clap her feet and say "Zahoot. zahoot", there was a lot of laughter with the game.
Fri. After breakfast we went to Sesquicentennial State Park. Top three pictures Al and the kids climbed the trees.  They had a double water fall (top right picture). 2nd row left a picture of the lake.  We left there and went downtown to Finley Water Park. The last six pictures.  We were able to climb the walls and run around in the water falls.  We left there and went to Jason's Deli.  When we got home we played Quelf again.
Sat. The guys took Xander to basketball practice (top left) while the girls went shopping. While Xander had practice, Al and Diego played some games (top right). When we all got home we had glorified ham sandwiches (bottom left two yum yum).  Bottom right the girls making ham and spinach quiche.
Sun. We woke up at 5:30 and started to drive to our rig.  We had a wonderful trip home only got slowed down twice.  We were able to get groceries on the way home and diesel was 2.93  at Sanford. We got everything put away, took our showers and went to church.
Mon. and Tues we spent at camp planing New Years Eve and our plans through May.  We are happy that it is done and can't believe we have a full calendar the first five months full.