Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sojourn, RV show,Hope's Baptizm

Thur.  Our first week is done two more to go. Today I finished the block laying they had for me to do because they ran out of blocks. Then I did a lot of small thing like fix doors, put on new locks, and fix a toilet.

Fri. We got up early and drove to the Tampa RV show.  We found a gas and diesel rig we liked.  After talking to folks we are going back to looking at a diesel rig on Sunday.  A new type Bentley by Nexus.  They are made in Elkhart In.  That's where our 5th wheel was made.
Sat. I started to wash the truck when the Foster's who just got to the camp asked us to go to lunch. We went to a fish restaurant.  I washed the truck after we got back. We played hand and foot with two other couples.

Sun. We went to church then to a bar-b-q place for lunch with the King's who also just arrived.  We then went shopping  and drove to Tam's.  Brendan knew we would not be together for a Super bowl party so he wanted to have pre Super bowl party for the four last teams. Linda and Hope did a lot of baking and cooking. I played basketball and football with the boys. We then ate and watched the games. Just before we left Kenn tried to get the wax out of my ear to help get rid of the dizzy feeling I have been having.

 Mon. I got up this morning for the fifth day I was dizzy. I was able to finish the brick bed I was building. Linda then took me to the Hospital. They think it is my sinuses so they gave me three pills to take.

Tues. I got up and was dizzy and off balance. We had coffee cake and I went back to bed. I got up and got sick. So back to bed then up for lunch (dry toast). I felt better so I sat in my easy chair for the afternoon.

Wed.  I started to feel better this morning.  We went to the Dr.'s office this afternoon.  He said that I had BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO.  After we left the Dr.s we went to Hope's church where she was baptized tonight.  It was so great to see another one of our grandchildren come to the Lord.  We then went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.

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