Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sojourn and Niebrugge's

Thur. What a great day to relax and do nothing.

Fri. In the afternoon we had a computer class then to Tam's for turkey chili (below the girls cooking). We played cards with the kids (as you can see with Linda below it is cold). When we got home we did two loads of laundry and watched a movie.

Sat. We got up early(46 degrees!) to meet the Niebrugge's at a cross country meet the boys were in(top 3 pictures).We all left there to go to Bryce's basketball game (top rt. picture). We left there and ate at Jason deli and did a little shopping then everyone came to our place. we played two different ball games (middle left 2 pictures). We all played frisby golf (middle 3rd picture) played on the ropes (middle rt. and bottom left).  From there we went on the small zip line.  We came home ate then they went home.
 Sun. We went to church, Walmart, home for lunch then to our sojourn meeting at 3:00.  We had a celebration one of the couples were married 50 years today. Back to church then home.

Mon. We started our sojourn at Central Florida bible Camp.  Four of us are working on replacing the porch on the south side of the cafeteria.  Linda is working with the ladies in cleaning the cabins and curtains.  After dinner we played hand and foot.

Tues.  The guys got the porch completely down.  Then I went and started to build a flower box out of bricks.
Wed. We both had another great day at camp.  I got all but 13 blocks up (ran out of masonry).  Linda did more cleaning.  We are studying Genius at church (very interesting).

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