Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Our last week of sojourns

Thur. I helped put the frame work on the porch at the kitchen.  After our showers we went to watch Hope cheer at a middle school basketball game. We got home in time to lose at peg and jokers. We also did two loads of laundry.
Fri.  After breakfast we drove to Apple Store for two computer classes.  We went shopping and had our hair cut.  We came home had dinner then played cards.

Sat. We went and watched Bryce's basketball game and Brendan's football game.  As we were droving there we noticed that the engine light was on.  We were lucky to get a dealer to look at it Mon.  After lunch at Tam's we went shopping for three closet doors and new electric switch.  Kenn was taking the concrete form the front door area.  I painted all the primed doors white.  
Sun.  We went to church then out to lunch.  After lunch we took the truck to the dealership. After a 
short afternoon some friends took us to church.  

Mon.  We got a call saying the truck had something wrong with the exhaust again.  We had them fix it and at lunch Lloyd took me to pick up the truck.  On the way home we got some boards so we could complete the roof ready for the tin roof.  After dinner we played more cards with Lloyd and Dottie.

Tues. After our devo Lloyd and I went to get the material for under the roof on the patio. We got 24 pieces of soffit.  As we put it up we were three inches overlap if we cut the soffit in half.  At the bottom we were one inch short of a overlap.  I will cut them so all have an inch overlap.  After our shower we had a banquet together.  Prime rib and veg. for desert creampuffs.  We then played cards.

Wed. Today we got all the soffit done and the roof ready for the tin roof tomorrow. We got done early so we left went to get Linda's glasses reorded. Then to Lazy Days to look at motorhomes. We got to Dad's around eight. 

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