Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year 2015 and our 200th blog

Wed. We had breakfast and a bible study.  Then left for Tam's New Years Eve party. Once we got there Brendan showed us how he learned to ride a bike.  Then we all biked about 4 miles to Subway.  When we got home we played basketball and enjoyed being outside.  Toward midnight the kids did some fireworks.  We had corn chowder and cream-de-mint pie for dessert. Everyone stayed up and welcomed the new year.  After the kids went to bed we watched the neighbors fire works till about one.
 Thur.  We got up and had monkey bread for breakfast.( they rose a little to much but tasted delicious)  For lunch Linda made ham split pea  and chicken noodle soup.  For desert we had cream de mint pie and jello salad.  We then went to the Apple Store for a lesson on our new computer.
Fri. The Niebrugge's took us to the Holy Land Experience.  Top left we stopped at Krispy Kreme for fresh HOT donuts then to the park.  They have displays outside (top 2nd picture) and in (top 3rd picture).  They did many performances (top right) Sermon on the Mount. They had a display of a miniature Jerusalem and a person to point out what was in the city. They had a children section where Hope climbed a rock wall (2nd row right)and the boys  hammered to ring a bell (bottom left) They threw bean bags (2nd bottom picture).  We were able to take many family pictures (bottom 3rd picture). Bottom right we went to the displays at night.  We were so happy that we finally visit the park.  It was a long day put we enjoyed it thoroughly. We went out to Zaxby for dinner then spent the night at Tam's  
Sat. We got  up early and left for Fort Myers. We drove to Ted and Linda Hansen home.  They were working in the garden so we joined them.  We picked tomatoes, carrots, cilantro, hot peppers, and more(top right 2 pictures).  When the girls got home they made salsa.  We went and visited Jim and Lana and both of us went on a ride on his new bike(top left).  We went to Brandon's to watch the kids and play cards.  After the girls beat us in two games we went back to the Hansen's and enjoyed the camp fire(bottom two pictures).  
Sun. We went to church and had a great sermon and lesson from Randy and was able to visit  all our friends. Then we went out to dinner with Ten and Linda. Then met Mike,Pam,Ted,and Sue for a brief moment. Had a nap before going to Justin, Brandi, and Cameron's for dinner.
 Mon. We spent the day with Mike.  Pam's dad came over and put trim in the dinning room. We went to Jason's deli for lunch with Mike, Victoria, and Pam's dad.  We then went and got flowers at Michael's for Brighton.  Bottom right Linda is arranging the flowers they looked great.  
Tues. We drove to the Apple store for one on one to learn about how to do pictures on the new computer.  Had lunch at Panara's then back to Apple for a group lesson.  We then went to the Germaine's arena and met Lizzy family, Clint and his girls, Jim, Lana and Grace.  We watched Grace, Haley, and Taylor skate.  We all left there and went to Panara's for dinner.  when we got home Mike was using a red light and playing with the cat.  Pam was working on her glass cutting.
Wed. We went to Linda's Doc appt then went to another computer class in Orlando and back home.

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