Wednesday, February 11, 2015

1st week Workshop

Thur.  We had a computer class then went to Tam's.  Linda made Tam's favorite dinner and we all benefited it was delicious.  I played basketball with the boys.  After dinner we played cards.  Just as we were leaving I pulled Bryce's tooth.
 Fri. We drove to the Villages to visit the Botts.  We caught up on our lives then they took us on a grand tour of the place. Unbelievable place!! In the center of the picture is the four of us.  Across the top is one of the rec. centers which every center is is done in a theme, this one is to the Vets of WW2. Bottom left is a dessert which we will try next time we see them. The next bottom three pictures is another rec. center.  Then the two on the right the large lake taken from the restaurant we ate at.
Sat. We tried to sleep in but got up early and way.  After breakfast we got cleaning, I washed the rig and Linda clean the inside.  We took a walk and talked to several folks.  After dinner we relaxed and played backgammon then went  to bed early.

Sun. Was a very busy day.  We went to church and afterward they had a luncheon for the golden age and sojourners.  At three we had a coffee get together for the sojourners to sign in at for the work shop.  We then went to church and came home and played cards.

Mon. We got up walked and did laundry.  We ate went to our morning session and of course they had a snack mid morning.  We had lunch then our afternoon session.  After dinner we sang and had a ice cream get together.

Tues.  After breakfast we went to our meeting for the Sojourners.  We are having a different speaker each day.  Both of the speakers have been GREAT.  Half way into his talk we have a break and different people get a snack together for everyone to share.  Our turn is Mon. (top photo below) After the meeting today the girls had a luncheon and one of the ladies spoke (bottom right picture).  The guys also had a luncheon and one of the ministers from a local congregation came and spoke (bottom left picture).  I got the rig ready for the repair man to fix (the heater that broke last Nov).
Wed.  We ate breakfast then went to our meeting.  While the guest speaker was talking the repair man came and fixed our rig.  YEA we now have heat.  After lunch we went to a CPR course.  It was nice to get refreshed on CPR.  After dinner we both got a hair cut. Then shopping before church.

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