Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Phone - Sojourn at Mt Dora

Thur.  We had a half day at the workshop then our sojourn hug.  We said goodbye to folks then I work on our game (pegs and Jokers see picture below).  After dinner we played cards.

Fri.  We got up and found it very cold mid 20'2 wind chill in the teens.  After breakfast we went to a computer class. After our classes we bought our new I-phone 6.  We spent most of the day at the Apple Store.  We were happy to get everything set up.  We then went to Tam's where Hope and Linda made meat loaf  for dinner.  I went and played ball with the boys.

Sat. We got up had breakfast and after our bible study I went and worked on the game I am making.  Seven of us went to dinner for fish.  When we got home we played cards because one of the couples is for Ky. basketball team and they were playing Auburn.

Sun. We went to church then out to eat.  In the afternoon we had our meeting for the sojourn we are doing for the next three weeks at Mt. Dora Christian Home and Bible School.  Soon to be named Christian Bible Academy. We then went to church then went with Mike and Kathleen to a yogurt shop.

Mon.  When we got to the school we all met at the cafeteria for a devo (they also have coffee, juice, and snacks).  My job is to make storage area under the four stairs in the gym. At noon the school gives us a nice lunch with a special dessert each day.  When we got home Linda was tired and hurting from using muscles that have not been used for a while (she was pressure washing).  I did a load of laundry and we went to bed.

Tues. Linda did some painting of the bleachers that she cleaned Mon.  I kept working on the storage area.  After we got home the team was invited back to the school for dinner by the house parents.  Both houses came with the kids.  We ate with a 14 year old girl who was a native American from Az.

Wed.  We worked at school then went shopping at their thrift store.  We had dinner then went shopping and church.

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