Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dad's 91st b-day

Thur. We got up and went to Skidder's for breakfast.  Then to his Dr's office to get a paper to get a handicap sticker for his car.  The Dr. was not in so tomorrow.  Before dinner he opened his presents.  Had some of our wonderful White Christmas coffee (as you can see he does not like flavor coffee).  He had prearranged for ribs at Skidder's (they were delicious).  We evan had the double chocolate cake that when Jennifer is here they share.
Fri. After breakfast we went to the Dr's. then left there and went to the tax coll. to get the sticker.  We went to Mazzro's (they are like a high end Fresh Market).  We did get bread, cheese, Chocolate Reese's Mousse Ball and eclair.

Sat. Breakfast at Skidder's then to Dad's to work on his recorder, do the blog. and get the crock pot ready for dinner. An evening watching movies and talking.

Sun.  After breakfast at Skidder's,dad we went to church with us, came home for lunch then started our Superbowl party early (did we eat and eat).  We all stayed up and watched the game. The out come New England over Seattle was what we and Shannon all wanted.  The text during the game from the four families made it a lot of fun.

Mon.  After breakfast at Skidder's we got Dad's voters and drivers liscense changed to his new address.  We had lunch then worked on doing the vhs to dvd on his recorder. We drove to Best Buy to see why it did not record like it should.  We got it to work came home and recorded  a show..

Tues.  Breakfast at Skidder's then in the afternoon we had Hamburgers their ( Linda and I both think theirs is the best) We got home and watched some special movies Dad had taped.

Wed. Our last breakfast for awhile at Skidder's.  When we got home we packed and left for Lazy Days to look for our dream motorhome.  We did find some that we liked so we are going to pray about them and see what God has in mind for us. We left to go home only to sit in stand still traffic due to an accident.  By the time we got home we were both tired.  We got everything put away then to bed..

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