Saturday, February 21, 2015

2nd Week of Workshop

Thur.  We got up did a load of wash got ready to have breakfast when Tammy called to tell us she needed help.  She was having a bad back ache.  We got ready, drove to her house, got her and took her to Kenn's office.  We missed our workshop but we both got an adjustment (Linda was having neck problems)from Kenn.  When Tam was felling better we went to Chipotle's for lunch.  We got Kenn a lunch to go then drove to Tam's.  Linda cooked dinner and made homemade chicken noodle soup for them tomorrow.  I went and picked up the boys from school then later I picked up Hope.  I was able to play cards and basketball with the boys.  Linda was able to cook with Hope they made pineapple upside down cake.  It tasted great with the pasta salad. After dinner we drove to some stores to look at cases for Linda's future I phone 6 then drove to the rig.

Fri. It was catch up day.  We had a lot of things that had to be done on the rig and it needed to be cleaned inside and out.  We also got some paperwork that had been piling up.  After dinner we went to Lloyd and Dottie's to play pegs and jokers with them, us, and Floyd and Jenny.  It was a great battle and the guys won 3 out of 5 games.

Sat. After breakfast we went shopping then to Brendan's football game (middle top and bottom pictures).  When we got home we ate the soup Tam's family was going to eat on Fri. night.  We found out that they went to a Valentine dinner at their Church.  After the soup we ate the other cake that Hope and Linda made on Thur.  I played cards, basketball, and football with the boys.  Linda and Hope cooked for dinner (top right Picture)  for the kids (chicken, french fries, and asparagus) and adults (cornish hen, rice, and asparagus).  All of us had part of the big cookie they made ( bottom right picture).  We had a nice evening together (top and middle left picture and in the middle of the picture).

Sun. After church we went shopping then home for lunch.  We took a walk then I got caught up with the blog., talked with my Dad, then to Church for evening service. We were both tired so to bed early tried to watch SNL 40th but fell asleep.

Mon.  We made 4 coffee cakes and cut up fruit for the break.  Others brought stuff also we had 2 coffee cakes left over.  At lunch I cut all of the boards for pegs and jokers and Linda finished painting the pegs different colors.  They had four teams for trivia questions on 2 Samuel Linda missed 3 and I 2 out of twenty. We then went to the the kitchen to help prepare the food for tomorrows banquet. After dinner we went to a sing along, then we had ice cream with toppings.

Tues. After our devo at workshop we went with Jim and Barbara Pratt to Orlando RV.   There were a lot of nice used and new ones but not what we are looking for.  They have one coming in in two months that we might like they are sending us pictures.  We went to lunch at Olive Garden, coffee at Starbucks, and take home dessert at Cheesecake Factory.  When we got home I sanded our game then to our banquet.

Wed. We had our last full day at the workshop.  It has been a wonderful workshop with many great speakers and lots of snack food.  We went to church tonight after we went shopping.

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