Wednesday, October 7, 2015

1000 Year Rain in NC- Williams-Niebrugge

Thur.  All three kids had games tonight.  Linda and Sha went to Lilimarie games and I went to the boys.  After the games we went home.

Fri. We had planned to go to Jen's with the Alvarez's when they  got home from school and work.  But as we listened to the news it was to rain over 12 inches in 24 hours.  So that we could stay in front of the rain we left for TN earlier.  As we drove it never stopped raining and twice we drove thru fog.  We were happy that we left early but disappointed that we were not able to bring the Alvarez family.   We were able to watch Katie's game at the middle school volleyball tournment. Betty, Fred, Kari, Addy and Steven all joined us at the game.

Sat. Jen took Mackenzie to a work day at her school, where they painted.  When Chris got off work he replaced Jen and she joined us at Katie 's tournament. We all went  out to lunch (top right)then back to Jen's. Chris and I put in a new fauset in the kitchen(top left picture).

Sun. After church we went to Jen's for lunch then to Betty's for a visit and see her new living room stuff.

Mon.  We met Betty and Fred at Eggs and I.  Katie had her last Volleyball game which she was able to play one and a half games and then went to her first basketball game(bottom rt.#34).

Tues.  We went to Betty and Fred's for breakfast and a nice visit on there back porch.  Linda did our laundry and Fred and I put up a new dinning room light(top left picture below).  We worked on our mail then picked-up Katie at school.  We had dinner then went to Addy's softball game(top right picture below).  Katie helped Steven by catching for him(bottom left picture below).

Wed. We went to CVS to see if Linda and I could get the pills we are to take daily.  We did not plan on being away from the rig but just the week-end. We were both happy to get them and now I am on Fla Blue Ins.  We went to my foot Dr. had part of my toenail removed (picture bottom right) then to Starbuck's for being a good patient and then drove to Tammy's.

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