Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Thur. After breakfast the boys read then we played some cards. Went to eat lunch with Brendan at his school.  Linda and Hope made dinner and after dinner Brendan, Kenn and I went to a boy scout meeting(top 3rd picture).  While the rest stayed home and played cards.  When we got home I soaked my foot (top 2nd picture)then off to bed.

Fri.  We played some more cards before the boys went to school.  We went to Bryce school and had lunch with him. Below top left picture he is pointing to his reading award. Their school is only four houses away.  Kenn and Linda went shopping while I kept my foot raised.

 Sat.  Kenn made bacon and pancakes(above picture bottom left 2 pictures)  We then went to the boys football games ( above picture bottom right 2 pictures).  Picture below top left is the trees behind Tam's house.  We went to the Zoo (2nd top picture and bottom 2 left).  We then went to Kenn's old school and they showed us the brick they had made for Brighton(top right 3 pictures).  After some cards the boys helped me make the coffee cake for Sunday(bottom 2 right pictures)

Sun. The boys spent the night with us in the family room.  When we woke up they both played the violin for us it was a great treat(bottom 2 left pictures).  After our coffee cake and coffee we went to church(top left picture below).  From church we went to Ca. Pizza a fund raiser for Tammy's old employment when they lived here in the 90's.  When we got home the kids put icing on the cupcakes they made Sat. Hope had archery practice (bottom 3rd picture)which she did very well and will be moving up to a smaller size target.  We went to dinner and had my birthday cupcakes(bottom right picture). We went to Dollar movie theatre to see "Inside Out".
Mon. I got a chance to be with the kids so we went to the Science Center.  Top left picture we built an arch.  We went to Ripley's believe it or not which was an exhibit at the center.  2nd picture is Bryce in front of bumble bee ( a robot all made of car parts).  Top right picture is a car made all of match sticks.  Tam, Kenn, and Linda met us there and we split up with a girls day and boys day.  On the girls day the girls were at Whole Foods and a girl came up to them and offered for $5.00 to cut Hope's hair.  She needed to be certified and the girl coming canceled.  Picture below left is Hope getting her hair done.  Middle picture is the group leaving the salon.  It was so nice outside when we got home we played cards and ate outside.  Bottom right picture Bryce climbing a tree.  After the kids got tucked in we watched a movie "Unstoppable"

Tues.  After everyone left the house we did our bible study.  I washed the car and we took a ride looking for a campground.  We found a new one that is near Hope's archery about 18miles from Tam's.  When we got home we had dinner, played basketball and Linda and the boys hit a plastic ball.  We had desert, put the boys to bed and watched TV.

 Wed. After we got up we said goodbye to everyone then packed and left for Jen's.  We got there about 3:30.  Linda and Katie made pig in the blanket for Mackenzie softball team party.   We went to Bojangle for dinner.  It was the first time Linda and I have been there and both like it.  We told the manager it was our first time and he gave us a hot sweetpotato pie.  When we got home we played cards.

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